China’s manned submersible dives 10,909 meters to deepest known point in Earth’s seabed

China’s manned submersible Fendouzhe, or Striver, made a 10,909-meter dive at Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean, the Challenger Deep, the deepest known point in Earth’s seabed on Tuesday.

Striver is the world’s deepest-diving manned submersible, capable of carrying up to three passengers to conduct scientific research in the deep sea. It began taking on the 10,058-meter dive at Mariana Trench on October 27. 

Striver is a manned submersible that incorporates the fine lineage of the previous two generations of deep-diving equipment, Jiaolong and Shenhai Yongshi. It not only uses a safe, stable, and powerful energy system, but also has more advanced control and positioning systems, as well as a more pressure-resistant manned capsule and buoyancy materials.

At 10,000 meters down in the Mariana Trench, Striver faces water pressure of more than 110 megapascals, the equivalent of 2,000 African elephants walking on a person’s back.

China’s first independently designed and integrated manned submersible Jiaolong reached a depth of 3,759 meters, making China the fifth country in the world, after the US, France, Russia and Japan, to master the technology of manned deep-sea submersion at a depth of 3,500 meters in July 2010.

Day trip to Lamma Island South 11-9-20

Lamma Island, also known as Y Island or Pok Liu Chau or simply Pok Liu, is the third largest island in Hong Kong,  with an area of 13.55 km2 (5.23 sq mi)[ and a length of 7 kilometres (4.3 mi).  Few people live on the southern part of Lamma. Access for much of this part is by hiking or private boat. 
0:01 香港西岸
1:34 鹿洲
1:54 索罟灣
2:36 索罟灣渡輪碼頭
3:17 打水灣
4:08 索罟灣警崗
4:13 香港仔渡輪
4:24 都是歺館
4:26 泥灘
4:30 天后宫
5:10 Butterflies everywhere
5:33 正德僊观
6:11 索罟灣储水箱
6:31 菱角山
7:24 深湾
7:42 石排灣
8:25 菱角山
9:12 家乐径
9:32 骑楼石
9:51 Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊
10:24 東澳( Tung O)全稱東澳村
10:28 石排灣
10:38 洪聖宮
13:20 石排灣碼頭「東澳碼頭」
19:39 模达湾
21:59 南丫島漁民文化村
22:32 索罟灣龙舟
23:31 香港仔渡輪
23:36 新渡輪
23:50 回中环
Hong Kong Island West Waterfront 11-9-20
鹿洲 石礦場 未來發展 ??
鹿洲, 海怡半島
All restaurants with few customers
蘆鬚城 泥灘
前索罟湾 前水泥廠 储水箱
Butterflies abundant everywhere
Wood Spider (Nephila maculata) 人面蜘蛛 The male can be up to 1000 times smaller than the females. Some spiders have a pigmentation problem, appearing all black.
正德僊观 closed because of covid
Thatch Screwpine 露兜樹 (Pandanus tectorius Soland)
Thatch Screwpine 露兜樹 (Pandanus tectorius Soland)
Narrow-flowered Poison-nut (Strychnos angustiflora) 狹花馬錢、牛眼珠、勾梗樹、車前樹, 杜死狗. Whole plant is poisonious, One of the four poisonious plants in Hong Kong.
Thatch Screwpine 露兜樹 (Pandanus tectorius Soland) 假菠蘿
Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊 , it is growing all over the island.
Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊
東澳( Tung O)全稱東澳村,位於南丫島東澳遷内 灣石排灣及榕樹下西南面,有狹長廢棄耕地分隔石排灣及深灣,且於石排灣設有碼頭「東澳碼頭」.
Pacific reef heron (Egretta sacra) 岩鹭 Light morph or a little egret?, the feet are greenish.
Pacific reef heron (Egretta sacra) 岩鹭 Dark morph
小紅蛺蝶 • Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) ???
Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊 is a tropical plant in the Asteraceae; known as bitter vineclimbing hemp vine, or American rope. It is also sometimes called mile-a-minute vine.
It is a vigorously growing perennial creeper that grows best in areas in high humidity, light and soil fertility, though it can adapt in less fertile soils. The featherlike seeds are dispersed by wind.[1] A single stalk can produce between 20 and 40 thousand seeds a season.
Sok Kwu Wan has the largest fish farming site in Hong Kong.

PLA Air Force promotion video

PLA Air Force released a promotion video on Sunday in a bid to attract new recruits and celebrate the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force.

Smart garbage sorting robot

A smart garbage sorting robot was launched in Hangzhou, E China’s Zhejiang. Supported by visual learning and navigational positioning techs, the robot can work for 8hrs straight, pick up and sort 17.5kg of garbage with an identification accuracy rate of 98% on recyclable trash. The China-bashers are really sour about this device as the garbage in the Whitehouse is about to be sorted out.

China will own US if Joe Biden gets elected, says Donald Trump. Let it begin.

“China was never mentioned in any way, shape, or form. China will own our country if he gets elected. They will own our country and we’re not going to let that happen. You’ve seen the intelligence reports. China very much wants Joe Biden to win. That would be very insulting if they wanted me to win. I don’t think so,” he said.

Chinese rocket firm Galactic Energy successfully puts satellite into orbit, 1st private launch since COVID-19

Chinese private rocket firm Galactic Energy successfully launched a carrier rocket and put a satellite into orbit on Saturday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the first orbital launch by a privately funded Chinese firm since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The launch marked the second successful attempt by a Chinese private rocket firm since July 2019 following two failed launches in 2018 and early 2019. Saturday’s launch shows China’s private commercial space sector is becoming technologically mature and increasingly capable of handling satellite launch missions even during the pandemic, analysts said.

Named Ceres-1, the self-developed carrier rocket sent an Apocalypse-11 satellite to the 500-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), and Galactic Energy became the first Chinese private firm to reach that altitude.

6G experiment satellite

The world’s first 6G experiment satellite was one of the three Chinese satellites successfully launched into orbit. It will verify the Tera Hertz communication technology in space, a breakthrough in space communication.
The “UESTC” satellite (Star Era-12), the first 6G test satellite in the world and first one named after the university since its establishment, was successfully lifted off at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center and entered the scheduled orbit on the morning of Nov. 6. The satellite, developed jointly by Chengdu Guoxing Aerospace Technology and Beijing MinoSpace Technology, will be used in a pilot testing program to trial 6G technology in space. According to Yicai Media Group, 6G is more than 100 times faster than 5G – enables seamless transmission, longer distances, faster speeds, and smaller power output from space to land-based communication devices. 6G technology is still in the beginning stages, but Friday’s launch appears to show China has moved ahead of the US in space-based testing. Many hurdles are still expected with the technology as testing will start near term.

Day trip to Peng Chau, 11-6-20

Stonecutters Bridge 昂船洲大橋
Stonecutters Bridge 昂船洲大橋
Kau Yi Chau交椅州
坪洲(Peng Chau,旧称平洲)是香港的一个岛屿,地区行政上属于离岛区,面积为0.99平方公里。坪洲外形像一个“凹”字,陷下去的地方是东湾。南、北面分别称为南湾和北湾。手指山是全岛最高点,海拔95米,可以远眺香港迪士尼乐园及愉景湾,东面是香港及九龙半岛,南面有南丫岛及喜灵洲,西面是大屿山及愉景湾,而北面则有迪士尼乐园及青马大桥。岛上有路连接大利岛,大利岛上现时有污水处理厂。东北方的尽头有“钓鱼石”。 坪洲的商铺集中在码头一带。
坪洲码头 坪洲 海岸 坪洲露坪街坪洲碼頭PC2號舖
Monterey Villas Block B
House of Craft
手指山(Finger Hill)是坪洲的最高点,高95米,位于坪洲东南部,有三百多石级山路登上山顶,山顶上建有凤萍亭,可以远眺青马大桥、大屿山的迪士尼乐园及愉景湾一带的景色.
大利, 愉景灣
Turtles with strange shell
Police Post
Funky art
CKS ferry to Hung Hum from Central
Hung Hum Pier