0:00 Tung Chung New Town Extension Reclamation project 2:06 View from the top of Lin Fa Shan 3:39 Abandoned tungsten mine 6:07 东涌炮台 6:50 Auto accident昂坪 – 莲花山 – 䃟头 – 东涌 一天遊The dip to the right of Pheonix Mountain is where the trail runs伯公坳 Trail head to Pheonix Mountain 凤凰山 one of my next hike昂坪 360Part of 凤凰俓Ngong Ping 360 Rescue TrailNgong Ping 360 Rescue TrailNgong Ping 360 Rescue Trail彌勒山AirportTingsi Trail 老鴉咀港珠澳大桥莲花山 +585m莲花山 +585m大峒 +508m on the right of the cable carDown the ridgeCommon Jezebel still around栒子 Cotoneaster(Cotoneaster frigidus)Trail tagAbandoned tungsten mine at the side trail that disappear三層洞,廢棄鎢礦場Mine tailing, cannot find any trail down, so climbed back up to back track.彌䃟石涧Don’t step on the pipePipe for irrigation䃟頭村超過400年歷史的古村䃟頭往大澳經沙螺湾何氏家壂东涌湾往山墳?Tung Chung streamRescue TrailMangrove growth 䃟頭濕地Tung Chung StreamTung Chung Playground侯王宮建於清朝乾隆時期,供奉南宋將領楊亮節。相傳楊亮節曾為保護宋帝昺在東涌灣外開戰,故後來當地村民從九龍城請來「升仙」的侯王「重回舊地」,以祈求協助對抗瘟疫。东澳古道沙咀头东涌炮台辰栱东涌炮台东涌炮台