Day hike Wan Chai Gap – Aberdeen Park – Ocean Park 2-28-21

灣仔峽 – 香港仔上水塘 – 香港仔下水塘 – 香港仔自然教育徑 – 金夫人驰馬徑 – 海洋公園站 一天遊
灣仔峽 – 香港仔上水塘 – 香港仔下水塘 – 香港仔自然教育徑 – 金夫人驰馬徑 – 海洋公園站 一天遊
Sunday is day-off for the housemaids.
Central is a favorite place to meet.
Central Farmers Market on Sunday
Bus stop #15 at 灣仔峽
9 Coombe Road
Coombe Road
Lady Clementi’s Ride Trail
Hong Kong Trail Section 4
Ammunition depots, anti-aircraft turrets, the British surrendered to the Japs after 450 killed
After fierce fighting continued on Hong Kong Island, the only reservoir was lost. Canadian Winnipeg Grenadiers fought at the crucial Wong Nai Chung Gap that secured the passage between Victoria, Hong Kong and secluded southern sections of the island. Finally defeated, on 25 December 1941, British colonial officials headed by the Governor of Hong Kong Mark Aitchison Young surrendered at the Japanese headquarters. To the local people, the day was known as “Black Christmas”.
Inside the turret
Sedimentary rock
More turret
Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
Aberdeen Reservoir Barbecue Area Site 3
Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
Pok Fu Lam
Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
Aberdeen Lower Reservoir, the Peak
Aberdeen 香港仔
Aberdeen 香港仔
黄竹坑, 深水湾
Ocean Park 香港海洋公園
Catchwater trail
Trail descends here
Trail rough and not well-marked
To Rock Carvings at Wong Chuk Hang 黄竹坑石刻的特色是有3组明显的回旋纹,状似动物的眼睛,亦有一说为雷纹,用以镇压水患。而石刻的特别之处,是深入内陆约1公里,不同于香港其他石刻位于海边。有估计指石刻发现之处,于新石器时代是临近海边的,但亦有指石刻下有小溪流经,仍可以算是接近水边.
Rock carving
Aberdeen Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot 香港仔消防局暨救護站
Ocean Park Station 海洋公園站

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