Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on March 26, 2021

3-27-21 First, the US is not in the position to ask China to play by international rules. The only system in the world is the international system centered on the UN, and the only set of rules is the basic norms governing international relations with the UN Charter as the core. Speaking of abiding by international rules, China is doing a great job while the US has a poor record. This is a fact recognized by the international community.

Second, the key to judge whether a political system is good or not lies in whether it suits a country’s condition, whether it can bring political stability, social progress and better livelihood, whether it is welcomed and supported by the people, and whether it can contribute to the progress of humankind. No matter how a country boasts about its democratic values, it is not eligible to claim itself a “beacon of democracy” if it sits back and does nothing when over 500,000 people die of COVID-19, when over 40,000 citizens die of gunshots every year, and when hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians die and numerous families are shattered because of attacks it launches on sovereign countries under the pretext of fabricated proof.

China follows a people-centered philosophy. On the contrary to the electoral politics and partisan political interests pursued by the US, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government serve the people whole-heartedly. We hit the poverty reduction target set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. We have put in place the world’s largest social security system, covering nearly 1.4 billion people and ensure that everyone has access to housing, education and medical insurance. The Chinese people’s satisfaction and support toward the Chinese government’s exceeds 90%. China has, after long-term exploration, found a right path to development. We are confident about this path. We will unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Third, difference and competition exists everywhere in our world. It is only natural for China and the US, the largest two economies with intertwined interests, to have competition. The key is to compete in a fair and just manner that can improve both sides, rather than seeking a zero-sum game. It is in the interests of the two countries and the world for cooperation to become the major goal of China and the US. We hope to have mutual respect, sound interactions and mutually beneficial cooperation with countries including the US so as to reinforce each other and deliver more benefits to the world.

The US said it won’t allow China to out-compete the US. I must point out that our goal is not to out-compete the US, but rather to out-compete ourselves and constantly make progress.