3 new naval ships

4-23-21 The three ships include:

– Changzheng-18, a Type 094A ballistic missile submarine that is capable launching “second strike,” which means counterattacking enemies after they used nuclear weapons to attack China.

– Hainan, a Type 075 amphibious assault ship that is used to land on enemy territories – a mission similar to the well-known Normandy landings – and act as a command ship during such operations.

– Dalian, a Type 055 destroyer that can act as a guardian ship to carriers like Liaoning and Shandong.


China, Russia joint lunar research station construction

4-23-21 The joint declaration on the co-operated construction of the International Scientific Lunar Station (ISLS) emphasized that the ISLS is open to all countries, international organizations and partners interested in cooperation in the planning, justification, design, development, implementation and operation of the ISLS. All except one.

Xi calls out ‘hegemony’, insists on ‘justice’

4-20-21 Reiterating China’s position on strengthening multilateralism, President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said there is a “need for justice, not hegemony” and big countries should “behave in a manner befitting their status.”

Addressing the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference on its 20th anniversary, Xi urged solidarity and cooperation in the backdrop of the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic.

“Instability and uncertainty are clearly on the rise. Humanity is facing growing governance deficit, trust deficit, development deficit, and peace deficit,” he told the conference via video link.

However, he said economic globalization is “showing renewed resilience; and the call for upholding multilateralism and enhancing communication and coordination has grown stronger.”

“China calls on all countries in Asia and beyond to answer the call of our times, defeat the pandemic through solidarity, strengthen global governance, and keep pursuing a community with a shared future for mankind,” he added.

Xi said post-pandemic times require “consultation on an equal footing to create a future of shared benefits.”

China will, he added, continue to carry out anti-COVID cooperation with the World Health Organization and assured to make “vaccines a global public good.”

“Global governance should reflect the evolving political and economic landscape in the world, conform to the historical trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation, and meet the practical needs in addressing global challenges,” said the Chinese president.

“We need to follow the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, uphold true multilateralism, and make the global governance system more fair and equitable.”

No to unilateralism

Calling for support and safeguarding the UN-centered international system, Xi said the international order should be preserved while the multilateral trading system “should be upheld with the World Trade Organization at its core.”

“We must not let the rules set by one or a few countries be imposed on others, or allow unilateralism pursued by certain countries to set the pace for the whole world,” he added.

“We need commitment to justice to create a future of mutual respect and mutual learning. Diversity is what defines our world and makes human civilization fascinating,” he said.

Focusing on China’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Xi said China “will follow the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, and champion the philosophy of open, green, and clean cooperation, in a bid to make the BRI cooperation high-standard, people-centered and sustainable.”

He said China will build a closer partnership in health and said the country has already started joint vaccine production in BRI participating countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Besides, he said Beijing will build partnerships for connectivity, green development, and “openness and inclusiveness.”

“China will stay committed to peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, develop friendship and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, and promote a new type of international relations,” he said.

Park Island Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach 4-22-21

马湾東灣泳灘 0:00 Central Ferry Pier No.2, 0:44 Ferry to Park Island, 10:16 Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach, 12:14 變色樹蜥 Changeable Lizard in park,
Central Government Pier
Park Island ferry
Tsing Ma Bridge
Park Island Pier 珀麗灣碼頭
Tsing Ma Bridge
Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach 馬灣東灣泳灘
Noah’s Ark Hong Kong Theme Park 挪亞方舟主題公園 Tourist trap
Ma Wan Park Nature Garden 馬灣公園大自然公園
Solar Tower, vacuum solar telescope
變色樹蜥 Changeable Lizard (C)alotes versicolor)
變色樹蜥 Changeable Lizard (C)alotes versicolor)
變色樹蜥 Changeable Lizard (C)alotes versicolor)
Water lilies
Ma Wan Park Nature Garden
Ma Wan Park Nature Garden
Ma Wan Park Nature Garden
Noah’s Ark 
Tsing Ma Bridge
Park Island Towers
Ting Kau Bridge 汀九橋
Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier

World’s largest social security system

China has built the world’s largest social security system. By the end of 2020, the number of people covered by basic pension reached 999m and those by medical insurance and unemployment insurance reached 1.36bn and 217m.

Castle Peak Bay Waterfront Promenade 4-21-21

屯門黃金海岸海豚廣場, 龙珠島
2 bottles of pee
屯門避風塘, interesting floats

China builds world’s largest internet test facility backbone network

China announced on Tuesday that it has opened the world’s largest internet test facility backbone network, a move that analysts said will push the development of next-generation innovations mapped out in China’s blueprint for the next five years, while ensuring the country’s internet stability and security, while ending reliance on the US. Powered by FITI, the number of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses owned by China has jumped to the No.1 ranking in the world in early April. For China, IPv6 is a tough battle that it cannot afford to lose, and it is the key to preserving the economic foundation and industrial advantages of the internet. For the future, IPv6 is just the starting point of an eye-catching blitz.