Secret hiding place



Mao Poem

毛泽东诗词 沁园春《雪》 一九三六年二月
北国风光, 千里冰封, 万里雪飘。 望长城内外, 惟馀莽莽
大河上下, 顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇, 原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日, 看红妆素裹,分外妖娆。
江山如此多娇, 引无数英雄竟折腰。 惜秦皇汉武, 略输文采; 唐宗宋祖, 稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汉, 只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣, 嫂风流人物, 还看今朝。

“Deep Sea 01” hazardous materials emergency command vessel

“Deep Sea 01″深海01 is a hazardous materials emergency command vessel that can be used for monitoring, surveillance, accident response and personnel rescue in the area of LNG and other hazardous gases emergency at sea. It is also the first law enforcement official ship in the world to adopt a micro-positive pressure maintenance system in the cabin to monitor, supervise and navigate in the LNG proliferation zone.
The length of the ship is 78 meters, width 12.8 meters, depth 5.5 meters, design draft 3.4 meters and full load displacement 1,450 tons.The ship uses 3 diesel gensets (3X2080 kW) plus 2 lithium iron phosphate power batteries (2X750 kWh) “oil-electric” hybrid propulsion, dual full-swing pod thrusters, with DP 1 power positioning function. The ship has a crew of 60, a design speed of 18 knots, wind resistance class 12, and a range of 1000 nautical miles. The helicopter landing platform can be used for the landing and take-off of the domestic rescue helicopter at sea. Equipped with advanced equipment such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) gas detection system, ship air pollutant emission detection system, sea surface oil spill monitoring radar, X-band explosion-proof radar and underwater robot (ROV), the ship employs a comprehensive information system that combines maritime law enforcement, emergency command and ship management.
The ship was financed by the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, and constructed by the Shenzhen Maritime Bureau. “Deep Sea 01” will be officially commissioned in 2020., will be responsible for the safety supervision, oil spill surveillance, atmospheric monitoring and accident emergency response in Guangdong water, including Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater Bay Area.

Oligomannate (GV-971) for Alzheimer’s cases

FDA gave approval to Oligomannate 甘露寡糖二酸 (otherwise referred to as GV-971), developed by Chinese company Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceuticals 上海绿谷制药 to progress to international multi-center clinical trials involving 2,000 mild and moderate Alzheimer’s cases.

9-25-20 Phase II trial – GV-971 was safe and well tolerated. GV-971 900 mg was chosen for phase III clinical study.

70-meter Mars antenna reflector in Tianjin Wuqing

The National Astronomical Observatory installed the 70-meter Mars antenna reflector in Tianjin Wuqing 天津武清 yesterday 4-25-20. The largest single aperture fully movable antenna in Asia, provides a solid foundation for China’s deep space exploration. The high performance receiving antenna with a total weight of about 2,700 tons, 72 meters high, the diameter of the main reflecting surface is 70 meter, composed of 16 laps of 1328 high-precision panels, has an area equivalent to nine basketball courts.

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A 5G LEO (low earth orbit) satellite by Beijing-based commercial satellite company Galaxy Space passed the test of a 3-minute-video call A 5G LEO (low earth orbit) satellite by Beijing-based commercial satellite company Galaxy Space passed the test of a 3-minute-video call by connecting to the WiFi hotspots provided by the satellite terminal. The picture is clear and the response is swift.

As many satellite startups plan to launch small satellites into low-Earth orbit (LEO) to provide global broadband internet services, a Chinese satellite provider now suggests the use of 5G speeds for the purpose.

The call comes as China attaches more importance to the development of the satellite-enabled mobile internet and includes the area in its “new infrastructure” construction plan, which could offer both short-term relief and a long-term boost to the economy.

Beijing-based private aerospace company Galaxy Space recently held an experimental 3-minute video call by connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots provided by a satellite terminal. Galaxy Space launched China’s first LEO 5G broadband satellite that went into orbit earlier this year.

The clear picture and swift response in the video call on Friday proved that the LEO 5G broadband satellite developed by the private startup is reliable, while a race between the world’s top economic superpowers to roll out 5G networks goes on. 

The National Development and Reform Commission included the satellite internet into the “new infrastructure” list on April 20, ramping up its efforts to develop the technology.