Langham Place Shopping, ride the long escalators. 旺角朗豪坊购物商场 朗豪坊(Langham Place)位于中国香港旺角砵兰街,于2004年落成,是该区的著名地标建筑。朗豪坊属于三合一大型发展项目,分别由购物商场——朗豪坊购物商场、酒店——朗豪酒店以及办公室大楼——朗豪坊办公大楼组成。朗豪坊计划的三个项目有互惠互补的特点,大型商场设有大量商店、食肆及娱乐设施,高级写字楼和五星级酒店。朗豪坊一处本来是一片达180万平方呎的旧住宅用地,后来由市区重建局及鹰君集团合作,经过十年时间的规划及重建,终于办公室大楼及酒店率先在2004年第三季启用,同年10月,商场部分亦开始营运。朗豪坊购物商场 The Mall)楼高15层。商场最大特色是连接4A字楼与8字楼的“通天电梯”,该扶手电梯可算是香港最长的商场扶手电梯之一。
The mottled emigrant (Catopsilia pyranthe) 细波迁粉蝶Great eggfly ( Hypolimnas bolina ) male 幻蛺蝶 . The upperside of the wings is jet black, offset with three pairs of white spots, two on the forewing and one on the hindwing. These spots are surrounded by purple iridescence. In addition, the upperside of the hindwing bears a series of small white dots. Spotted sergeant ( Athyma sulpitia )苏带蛱蝶 Great eggfly ( Hypolimnas bolina ) female 幻蛺蝶 . The upperside of the wings of the female is a brownish black and does not have any spots like those of the male. The edges bear white markings which are similar to those of the common Indian crow.
Ceylon blue glassy tiger ( Ideopsis similis ) 拟旖斑蝶 , is a butterfly found in Asia, including Sri Lanka, India and Taiwan, that belongs to the subfamily Danainae (crows and tigers), in the family Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies). Common peacock or Chinese peacock (Papilio bianor) 翠鳳蝶Crimson marsh glider (Trithemis aurora) 紫紅蜻蜓 female. The male of the species is distinctly different from the female. The male has a reddish-brown face, with eyes that are crimson above and brown on the sides. The thorax is red with a fine, purple pruinescence. The abdomen, the base of which is swollen, is crimson with a violet tinge. The wings are transparent with crimson venation and the base has a broad amber patch. The wing spots are a dark reddish-brown and the legs are black.Slender skimmer or green marsh hawk ( Orthetrum sabina ) 狭腹灰蜻 . It is a medium-sized dragonfly with a wingspan of 60-85mm. Adults are grayish to greenish yellow with black and pale markings and green eyes. Its abdomen is greenish-yellow, marked with black. It is very similar to Orthetrum serapia in appearance, with both species appearing in northern Australia. Pale markings on segment four of the abdomen do not extend into the posterior section when viewed from above on Orthetrum sabina. Females are similar to males in shape, color and size; differing only in sexual characteristics. This dragonfly perches motionless on shrubs and dry twigs for long periods. It voraciously preys on smaller butterflies and dragonflies. Hong Kong Seed Bank, Fu Tei
輕鐵751綫,來往天逸及友愛,途經天頌、天水圍市中心、天慈、洪水橋、屯門醫院及市中心。屯门公园(英语:Tuen Mun Park)是香港的大型公园,位于新界屯门区,占地约12.5公顷,是区内最大型及最主要公园,由康乐及文化事务署管理。屯门公园建于填海区,园内种植超过2000棵乔木和10万株灌木,约有200个不同品种。公园还有一个人工湖,占地约1公顷;而位于公园南面的爬虫馆,则是另一个景点。公园其他设施包括人工瀑布、模型船池、露天剧场、滚轴溜冰场、儿童游乐场、快餐亭及多用途球场等。 南面共融游乐场“感官地带”和“猎蛋乐园” 屯门公园内的人工瀑布,全长190米,其上建有两条小桥
Black-crowned night heron(Nycticorax nycticorax) 夜鹭国家三有保护动物,是中型涉禽,体长46-60厘米。体较粗胖,颈较短;嘴尖细,微向下曲,黑色;胫裸出部分较少,脚和趾黄色;头顶至背黑绿色而具金属光泽;上体余部灰色;下体白色;枕部披有2-3枚长带状白色饰羽,下垂至背上,极为醒目。
Oriental garden lizard, eastern garden lizard, bloodsucker or changeable lizard (Calotes versicolor) 变色树蜥 Trailhead, Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun Hiking trail, Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun Commemoration , Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir, Tuen Mun Agamids 飞龙科蜥蜴 are represented by the oriental garden lizard, eastern garden lizard, bloodsucker or changeable lizard (Calotes versicolor) 变色树蜥 , which is the only native agamid to Hong Kong. It is a lovely medium-sized lizard, often seen on low shrubs and bushes, where they cock an eye at anyone who approaches, before running nimbly away. The ubiquitous Changeable Lizard has a crest of enlarged scales down the dorsal (top) surface of the neck and fore part of the body. Males can have bright red throats and can be dark brown in colour. 屯門四面佛 屯門四面佛 屯門四面佛 南安佛堂 城隍廟 城隍廟 福德廟 大聖廟 南安佛堂 南安佛堂 供奉觀音娘娘的仙佛行轅 南安佛堂 屯門 虎地燒烤區 , 虎地郊游俓