3-12-23 Shenzhen Longgang Wanda Plaza

3-12-23 龙岗万达广场 Shenzhen Longgang Wanda Plaza with a total floor area of 305,000 ㎡. features the world’s highest and longest indoor escalator with a length of 64 meters and a height of 30 meters,, a 2500 ㎡ giant canopy and a 77.77 meter long indoor glass walkway.· It was opened in Sept 2021. A fourth generation shopping mall.


3-5-23 Shenzhen Nantou City

3-5-23 深圳南头古城包括牌楼、南城门、新安县衙、新安监狱、海防公署、东莞会馆、关帝庙、文天祥祠、鸦片烟馆、接官厅、聚秀楼、义利押当铺、陶米公钱庄等十余处人文历史景观。自东晋咸和六年(331年)设置东官郡起,已有近1700年的历史。
