CNOOC makes large discovery in Bohai Bay offshore China

The Chinese state-owned offshore oil and gas company CNOOC has made a large-sized discovery in Bohai Bay.

The company believes the Kenli 6-1 discovery to be the first large-sized oil field in the Laibei lower uplift. This is in the southern area of the Bohai basin.

During tests, the KL6-1-3 discovery well produced around 1,178 barrels of oil per day.

The well was drilled and completed in water depth of 1,596m. It encountered oil pay zones with a total thickness of around 20m.

CNNOC said the exploration of Kenli 6-1 structure further proves the company’s exploration potential of the Neogene lithologic reservoir in the Laizhou Bay.

Bohai is the company’s main reserve, and crude produced in the region is mostly heavy oil.

This discovery stands with the six Bohai discoveries made in 2018. These are Luda 10-6, Luda 4-3, Luda 6-2 South, Bozhong 13-2, Longkou 19-1 North, and Kenli 5-1.

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