ExxonMobil breaks ground on its ethylene project in Huizhou

https://www.yicaiglobal.com/news/exxonmobil-usd10-billion-ethylene-plant-breaks-ground-in-south-china ExxonMobil breaks ground on its ethylene project in Huizhou, South China’s Guangdong Province, 4-22-20 during a teleconference. The project is the first wholly-owned petrochemical project invested by an American company in China, with a price tag of $10 billion.

The ethylene plant project invested in by US oil and gas giant Exxon Mobil in Huizhou in China’s southern Guangdong province, which is one of China’s national major foreign investment projects valued at USD10 billion, started construction in Huizhou Dayawan Petrochemical Industrial Park yesterday, various media reported.

Construction of the ethylene plant will unfold in two phases, with the first stage erecting an annual 1.6 million-ton capacity ethylene cracker, which is projected to finish and start operation in 2023. The project will ease China’s short supply of polyolefin used to make plastic film, and free it from over-reliance on imports of the high-performance polymer, per the reports.

Exxon Mobile chose Dayawan as the site as it is one of China’s seven main bases for the petrochemical industry and is well equipped with infrastructure and public support facilities. It also boasts a good business environment with highly efficient government and correspondingly huge support for the growth of overseas investment, said Fernando Vallina Bobes, chairman of Shanghai-based ExxonMobil China Investment.

Image may contain: text that says 'Hezhou 黃外市 Wuzhou Meizhou uigang 港市 Heyuan Zhaoqing Guangzhou Zhangzhou ExxonMobil breaks 澤州市 ground on ethylene project in Huizhou Daya Bay Shihua Unit 廣 州大亞灣 化區 4- 22-20 Donggua 乐嘉市 Foshan 佛山市 Hong Kong Yangjiang 阳江市 Maoming 茂名市 Zhanjiang Macao'

Yulin sandy land management rate has reached 93.24%

Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Bureau announced that the Yulin sandy land management rate has reached 93.24%, which means that the Mu Us Desert (also known as the Maowusu Desert) is about to “disappear” from the Shaanxi map. Located at the border of Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia provinces, it is one of the four great sandy places in China with a total area of 4.22 million km2. 100,000 people planted trees in a 1-meter spaced row which can go around the Earth’s equator 54 laps .

Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor and nature, text that says 'Before'

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature, text that says 'After SAYE THE MU US DE DESERT'
Image may contain: ocean, beach, mountain, sky, nature and outdoor
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature