70-meter Mars antenna reflector in Tianjin Wuqing

The National Astronomical Observatory installed the 70-meter Mars antenna reflector in Tianjin Wuqing 天津武清 yesterday 4-25-20. The largest single aperture fully movable antenna in Asia, provides a solid foundation for China’s deep space exploration. The high performance receiving antenna with a total weight of about 2,700 tons, 72 meters high, the diameter of the main reflecting surface is 70 meter, composed of 16 laps of 1328 high-precision panels, has an area equivalent to nine basketball courts.

Image may contain: text that says 'National Astronomical Observatory installedthe reflector yesterday largest antennainAsia, ovide perture undationfo diameter composed equivalentto about high main eflecting face 70meter, HEILONGJIANG INNER MONGOLIA JILIN Beijinn GANSU HEBEI Tianjin QINGHAI LIAONING North Korea NINGXIA SHANXI SHAANXI Seaof Pyonayang China Google Maps SHANDONG Seoul hKorea YellowSea Fukuoka'

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