India, China Border Clash

The key area is around a spectacular 135 kilometer-long, 5-7 kilometer-wide lake, Pangong Tso. It’s in Ladakh, which is a de facto extension of the Tibetan plateau. One third is held by India and two thirds by China.  

Mountain folds around the lake are called “fingers.” The Indians say Chinese troops are close to Finger Two – and blocking their movements. India claims territorial rights up to Finger 8, but its de facto holding extends only to Finger 4.

New Delhi has been steadily expanding infrastructure development – and also troop deployments – in Ladakh for nearly a decade. Units now spend longer periods deployed along the LAC than the six months that used to be the standard rotation.

These are called loop battalions: They do a back and forth with the Siachen glacier – which was the theatre of a localized India-Pakistan mini-war in 1999 .

The Indians maintain there are no fewer than 23 “disputed and sensitive” areas along the LAC, with at least 300 “transgressions” by PLA troops every year.

Crossing the line

The Indians are now particularly focused on the situation in the Galwan valley in Ladakh, which they maintain was breached to a distance of 3 to 4 km by PLA troops now in the process of digging defenses. 

The current flare-up started building in late April, and led to a series of scuffles in early May, described as “aggressive behavior on both sides,” complete with fistfights and stone throwing. The Indian version is that Chinese troops crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC), with vehicles and equipment, to block road construction by India.

Indian Jawans Briefly Detained By China In Ladakh Last Week 5-24-20 Indian Army denies reports that Chinese troops briefly detained jawans in Ladakh last week 5-24-20 “It only hurts national interests when media outlets publish unsubstantiated news”


Solicitor Chan Tze Chin 陳子遷 attacked

Solicitor Chan Tze Chin 陳子遷 was attacked near Po Leung Kuk in Causeway Bay at around 3pm on Hong Kong Island 5-24-20. He was beaten by a group of armed men dressed in black.

The Law Society president Melissa Pang strongly condemned this serious crime, said that no matter what the ideology behind it, violence is unacceptable, and that civil disobedience is not a license to break the law, and different political views should be expressed peacefully.

The video shows he was attacked by several assailants in the parking lot and chased down the street, then he was beaten by three to four men,he fell to the ground holding his head, his shirt torn and bloodied, and a metal road sign was thrown at him as he got up on his own and fled. He was taken to the hospital, where he was undergoing an MRI scan and is in serious condition.

Chan is a solicitor practicing in Hong Kong. Graduated from Queen Mary University of London with a degree in Law and Politics. Having studied overseas for many years, he returned to Hong Kong to explore various livability issues in Hong Kong.




他表示,示威者攻擊時有分工,「有人負責打你,有人負責開傘,有人唔畀你走」,「很兇殘,無咗理智」,又指示威者多是年輕人,認為他們思想未成熟,被人教唆。 陳子遷又認為現在香港人已經變質,指現在香港年輕人失去理智,但年輕人是香港的未來,所以覺得香港很可悲。 他贊成訂立「港版國安法」,「因為現在這班已不是藍黃之分,而是暴亂、分裂國家」,他希望立法之後,香港可以回復平靜,讓香港可以發揮到國際金融中心的地位。