Minneapolis Riot

抗议活动目前已经发生了“戏剧性”的转变。多份报告表明,明尼阿波里斯市市长弗雷(Jacob Frey)已经向州长沃尔兹(Tim Walz)求援,要求在该市部署国民警卫队。

A few days ago, a black man was kneeled by white U.S. police officers for more than 7 minutes and eventually died. The video caused a huge uproar, a local outbreak of mass protests. Protests escalated on Wednesday night (27th) as people in Minneapolis rushed into stores to loot goods and set them on fire, the protest also led to a local shooting that killed one person.
The Minneapolis police chief confirmed late on the 27th that one person had been shot and killed and another detained at the time of the protest. Reports say the deceased participated in protests that night in the city and is suspected of robbing the store, while the gunman was the owner of the shop that was robbed. This claim has not been confirmed.
The protests have now taken a “dramatic” turn. Multiple reports indicate that Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has reached out to Governor Tim Walz for help in deploying a National Guard unit in the city.

“There are people who just want to live and are killed in cold blood, and it is unacceptable that the police are constantly brutalizing black people in this country,” said one member of the public who participated in the protest. Governor Waltz issued an appeal on the 27th for people to socially isolate and protest peacefully, while calling on police to exercise restraint during the protest. 

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