China successfully launches 1st Mars probe

China successfully launched its first Mars probe, named Tianwen-1, via a Long March-5 Y4 carrier rocket from Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China’s Hainan Province into planned orbit on Thursday. The move heralds a new era in China’s deep-space exploration, which has steadily progressed beyond moon probes to interplanetary missions, mission commanders and developers said.  

After a flight of around 2,000 seconds, the probe entered the planned Earth-Mars transfer orbit, officially embarking on its journey to the Red Planet, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA)on Thursday. 

China’s Tianwen-1 Mars probe is expected to reach Mars’ gravity field in February 2021, about seven months after the launch. If it succeeds, Tianwen-1 will be the first Mars expedition to complete orbiting, landing and roving in a single mission in humanity’s history.

Scientific goals of Tianwen 1

  1. Study Martian morphology & geology
  2. Study Martian topsoil & water ice distribution
  3. Study Mars’ surface composition
  4. Study Mars’ ionized atmospheric layer, surface climate & environment
  5. Study Mars’ physical field & interior structure

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