China’s first exported ultra-large-diameter shield machine penetrates first tunnel

我国自主研制出口海外的首台超大直径泥水平衡盾构机,打通了孟加拉国历史上第一条水下隧道——Chittagong Karnaphuli River Tunnel卡纳普里河河底左线隧道。

Ahmed, chief engineer of Bangladesh Bridge Authority, has said, “It has always been the dream of the people of Bangladesh to build a tunnel and we want to make Chittagong as good as Shanghai.” With the completion of the tunnel, the drive from Chittagong airport to the industrial park will be reduced from four hours to 20 minutes.
The Karnaphuli River Bottom Tunnel project in Bangladesh is an important part of the China-Bangladesh-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, which is an important part of the country’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative to improve the Asian Highway Network. The shield machine used for tunnel boring is developed by CCCC Tianhe, with a diameter of 12.12 meters, length of 94 meters and weight of more than 2,200 tons, which is the first Chinese extra-large diameter shield machine to enter the overseas extra-large diameter shield market monopolized by developed countries. The single-lane shield section of the Karnaphuli River bottom tunnel is 2450 meters long, with a maximum tunnel cover depth of 31 meters and a design soil and water pressure of 0.59 MPa. The geology is mainly powdery sand, which is prone to sand liquefaction, mud cake on the cutter plate, cutting surface collapse, mud outlet blockage and other construction problems. CCCC-TIANHE has designed the shield machine specifically for this purpose, adopting many original technologies such as appropriate cutter disc anti-mud-cake design, mud-water system stratified backwash technology, intelligent anti-sedimentation control technology, and automatic control of mud-water circulation system. The shield machine has achieved the fastest 10 digging rings per day (2m/ring) and 171 digging rings per month during the construction. The shield machine was received in the form of a steel sleeve. After receiving, the shield crane will move horizontally and turn 180° to prepare for the second start of the right tunnel.


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