Huawei launches ‘Nanniwan’ project to shun US technologies

As part of a backup plan to deal with the US’ technology crackdown, Chinese tech giant Huawei has reportedly kicked off a project called “Nanniwan”南泥湾, the same name as a revolutionary site in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, which will focus on gadgets that shun US technologies. 

A large-scale production campaign was launched in Nanniwan during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, aiming to tackle economic hardships, achieve self-sufficiency in production and insist on a protracted war against Japanese aggression. 

Using the name Nanniwan for the project shows that Huawei aims for self-sufficiency in tough times, news site reported Tuesday. 

Laptops, smart television displays and home automation products powered by the internet of things that fall into the category of being entirely unaffected by the US restriction policy are included in the project, the report said.


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