Google pulls 2,500 China-linked YouTube channels over disinformation on video-sharing platform

Google says it has deleted more than 2,500 YouTube channels tied to China as part of its effort to weed out disinformation on the video-sharing platform.
The Alphabet-owned company said the channels were removed between April and June “as part of our ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to China”.
The channels generally posted “spammy, non-political content,” but a small subset touched on politics, the company said in a quarterly bulletin on disinformation operations. Luckily there is the Chinese version

Gaofen-9 04 high-resolution satellite

China successfully sent the Gaofen-9 04 高分九号04星 high-resolution satellite into orbit on Thursday. Launched by a Long March-2D rocket, the satellite will be used for land survey, city planning, land rights confirmation, disaster prevention and mitigation, among other tasks.






Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID19 vaccine

The UK’s AstraZeneca signed a deal with Shenzhen-based BioKangtai to cooperate on R&D, production and supply of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID19 vaccine in the Chinese mainland. BioKangtai will expand its annual production capacity to 100 million doses, reports said.

American pilot arrested in Hong Kong after being sent one live round of ammunition and 9,000 blanks and spent cartridges in the post

An American pilot was arrested at his Hong Kong flat on Wednesday night after a live round, and more than 9,000 blank and spent cartridges.

Officers were called to a warehouse in Tsing Yi at 5.40pm on Wednesday, when staff at a logistics company found the haul when they opened the boxes for inspection.

“The haul contained one live round, more than 4,000 empty cartridges, and about 5,000 spent cartridges,” a police source said.

The boxes were brought back to the warehouse after being sent to the Kennedy Town home of the 44-year-old pilot.

A mistake? No kidding.

A Taiwan Tech Company Bigger Than Foxconn (Not TSMC)

The new rule from the Trump administration stated that chip manufacturers such as TSMC cannot use American know-how to make semiconductors for Huawei, accusing the Chinese company of undertaking “malign activities contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests.” Since U.S. equipment, software and materials are an irreplaceable part of chip manufacturing, the edict meant that Huawei can no longer use its own chips in its devices.

But Huawei’s smartphones, routers, switches and other hardware can use chips designed by outside parties, even if they’re manufactured with American technology. 

Enter MediaTek. 联发科技股份有限公司

It designs 5G chips for both smartphones and base stations, and has them manufactured by TSMC, making it the perfect replacement for the Huawei-designed chips that can no longer be made.

Already a supplier to the Chinese company, MediaTek’s orders from Huawei are reported to have jumped after the restrictions, spurring analysts to raise their outlook for 2020 revenue by 14% and for next year by 29%.

Huawei ecological construction of the all-optical industry

Huawei on Wednesday announced it will invest 2.5b yuan ($360b) in the ecological construction of the all-optical industry in the next five years. Huawei expects F5G, the all-optical network, to bring at least 100b yuan of industrial investment in the same period.
Efforts to define solutions for fifth generation fixed networks (F5G) have accelerated with work already progressing in key areas and a trebling in the number of members since the launch of the ETSI ISG F5G in February 2020. Next-generation fixed line networks are needed to complement and support the 5G wireless networks being deployed across the world and support the growing number of cloud services requiring high bandwidth and/or low latency connections. The ETSI ISG F5G industry specification group is aiming to open up new opportunities that will use full-fiber connections (FFC) to drive enhanced fixed broadband (eFBB) and deliver a guaranteed reliable experience (GRE).

TikTok to establish European data center in Ireland amid US crackdown

TikTok confirmed Thursday that it will establish a new European data center in Ireland, its first in Europe, a move that analysts said displays the company’s determination to strengthen data security and pursue overseas expansion, despite the US’ mafia-style crackdown on the short video app.

The investment in Ireland, to the value of approximately 420 million euros ($500 million), will create hundreds of new jobs and play a key role in strengthening security of TikTok’s user data in Europe backed up with a state-of-the art network security defense system there.

The data center is expected to be operational in early 2022.

TikTok established the Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Trust and Safety Hub in the Ireland’s capital Dublin at the beginning of the year. TikTok’s Irish company has recently become the data controller alongside TikTok’s UK company, with the former now the service provider for users across the European Economic Area and Switzerland, according to TikTok.

Why is Trump going to ban TikTok? Here are three possible reasons: 1.A rising Chinese company puts pressure on US tech giants 2.Young Americans love TikTok, Trump who is very fearful of Chinese influence on the youths 3.The US targets foreign companies that threaten its technology superiority.