Huawei ecological construction of the all-optical industry

Huawei on Wednesday announced it will invest 2.5b yuan ($360b) in the ecological construction of the all-optical industry in the next five years. Huawei expects F5G, the all-optical network, to bring at least 100b yuan of industrial investment in the same period.
Efforts to define solutions for fifth generation fixed networks (F5G) have accelerated with work already progressing in key areas and a trebling in the number of members since the launch of the ETSI ISG F5G in February 2020. Next-generation fixed line networks are needed to complement and support the 5G wireless networks being deployed across the world and support the growing number of cloud services requiring high bandwidth and/or low latency connections. The ETSI ISG F5G industry specification group is aiming to open up new opportunities that will use full-fiber connections (FFC) to drive enhanced fixed broadband (eFBB) and deliver a guaranteed reliable experience (GRE).

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