Agnes Ting Chow arrested

Pro-secession HK riot leader Agnes Ting Chow 周庭 arrested for violating national security law for HK, HK media reported.

The police did not handcuff Chow Ting when they took her away, but she faked as being handcuffed and ended up blowing the disguise by fiddling with her hair as shown in the video. Netizens also questioned her intention to pretend to be locked in handcuffs to attract the media’s spotlight, a tactic also “trained by the CIA” and identical to the way Joshua Wong pretended to be handcuffed in 2016.

Hong Kong police target high-profile activists Joshua Wong, Andy ...

Police say Chow Ting has been arrested on suspicion of violating Hong Kong’s National Security Law. In a post on Chow Ting’s Facebook page in the evening, his “ADMIN” said a group of police officers went to her home and her lawyer is on her way to support her.

A female lawyer arrived at the house to provide assistance.

The lawyer at the scene said the police were searching her home under a search warrant issued on August 6.

周庭以“香港众志”主要成员身份前往日本与反华政客枝野幸男 1-19



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