Heroes Welcome

During the welcoming ceremony, Qi Yu齐玉, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced on behalf of the Ministry’s Party Committee the awarding of the Collective Third Class Merit to the Consulate General in Houston.

  It is relatively rare for diplomats to be awarded collective third-class honors.  But this is full recognition for these diplomats. At the airport, Wang Yi王毅 had this high praise: (All the comrades of the Consulate General) under extremely difficult and even dangerous circumstances, they resolutely safeguarded the core interests of the country, the dignity of the country and the nation, and the legitimate rights and interests of China’s foreign missions….

  Note the phrase: under extremely difficult, even dangerous circumstances! The environment may be more treacherous than many of us can imagine.

At the airport, Wang Yi made three main remarks.

  The first paragraph was a high evaluation of the performance of the diplomats, and the second paragraph exposed the sinister intentions of the United States.

  What exactly does the United States want?

  Wang Yi’s answer is this: this controversy at the Consulate General in Houston shows that anti-China forces in the United States are doing everything possible to undermine China-U.S. relations and to obstruct China’s development.

  What will happen as a result?

  Wang Yi spoke of “three convictions”.

  We are convinced that the predominant view in both countries remains one of dialogue, not confrontation.

  We are convinced that Sino-American relations will be reborn after the storms.

  We firmly believe that China’s destiny is in the hands of the Chinese people, and under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, no one and no force can stop us from marching towards national rejuvenation.

  We will be reborn after the storms, so don’t be pessimistic, as the dark clouds will dissipate.

  The bigger point is the third paragraph: Facing up to difficulties and expressing confidence in victory.

  Confidence: we will be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and achieve victory one after another.

  But the difficulties are also realistic.

  Wang Yi’s exact words are: in the face of unprecedented changes in the past century and the new challenges of global epidemics, all comrades on the diplomatic front must be prepared to face greater risks and endure more tests.

  ”Two more”.

  The need to be prepared for greater risks.

  Prepare to be tested more than ever!

  Some people have flipped their hand and have even gone beyond just leveling the playing field.

  It is fair to say that this is a rather sobering realization.

  Diplomacy is a continuation of domestic affairs. The United States is now entering the most sensitive period, and since some people are unscrupulous and preoccupied, they will not stop so easily and will not rule out the possibility of creating even worse incidents in the coming period.

  We must be fully prepared.

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