Five eyes delay election

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Postponement of the election date of the Five Eyes Alliance.

New Zealand (Deferred 1 month)
Original: September 2020
Postponed: October 2020

United Kingdom (Deferred 1 year)
Original: May 2020
Postponed: May 2021

Australia (Deferred 1 year)
Original: September 2020
Postponed: September 2021

Canada (Deferred 1 year)
Original: May 2020
Postponed: May 2021

In the US, Trump cannot cancel or postpone an election with an executive order.Article II of the Constitution empowers Congress to choose the timing of the general election. An 1845 federal law fixed the date as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. It would take a change in federal law to move that date. That would mean legislation enacted by Congress, signed by the president and subject to challenge in the courts.

In a joint statement on 6-9-20, foreign ministers of the “core Anglosphere”Five Eyes alliance nations condemned the Hong Kong government for postponing the legislative council elections. What a joke.

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