Former CIA Officer Arrested, Charged With Spying for China – US Justice Department

Former CIA Officer Alexander Yuk Ching Ma was arrested by federal authorities on August 14 and charged with “conspiracy to communicate national defense information to aid a foreign government,” according to a Monday release from the US Department of Justice.
Authorities say the two relatives met with Chinese officials over the course of three days in 2001 and provided them with information on CIA “personnel, operations, and methods of concealing communications.” The release alleges that part of one engagement was recorded, showing Ma accepting and counting $50,000 in cash.
Ma, who was born in Hong Kong and became a naturalized US citizen, began his career with the civilian foreign intelligence service in 1982 and maintained a Top Secret clearance until he left the service in 1989.

Looks like there will be an exchange for Ma and the US agents (Jimmy Lai? or someone not as significant) caught in Hong Kong.

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