Ryukyu Scops-owl
Ryukyu Scops-owl 兰屿角鸮(学名:Otus elegans)又名琉球角鸮、优雅角鸮,是一种小型的猫头鹰,多数分布在台湾东南的兰屿岛上、琉球群岛和菲律宾群岛北部,是那里的留鸟。兰屿岛上的达悟族人依它的叫声命名为“嘟嘟物”totoo。

The Ryūkyū scops-owl or elegant scops-owl (Otus elegans) is a small rufous-brown owl with a brown face disk and a cinnamon facial ruff. The bill is olive-grey and it has yellow eyes.
It is found on the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan, on Lanyu Island off south-east Taiwan, and on the Batanes and Babuyan Islands off northern Luzon, Philippines, in tropical or subtropical evergreen forest. It is becoming rare due to habitat loss.

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