China Coast Guard intercepted speedboat and arrested 12 smuggled criminals, including Lee Yu-hin

There were 12 young people on board and they were on their way to Taiwan at the time, and the Guangdong Coast Guard said that Lee Yu-hin was the one who had participated in the anti-extradiction campaign. At that time, they left from Po Toi O, Sai Kung and were heading to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where they intended to apply for political asylum. They were intercepted by the Chinese Coast Guard near Ninepin Island and are currently being detained by the Chinese Coast Guard, while the Chinese Public Security Bureau is investigating. According to the criminal law of Mainland China, the Public Security Bureau can hold the illegal immigrants criminally responsible, and the illegal immigrants can be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, after which they will be repatriated toan Hong Kong.
Lee Yu-hin, a member of “Hong Kong Story”, was arrested on August 10, the same day that the National Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested the founder of Next Media, Lai Chi-ying and his sons, as well as other senior executives of Next Media. Lee was released on bail.
The police have also pointed out that there is a group operating in Hong Kong with the aim of “asking foreign or international organizations to sanction Hong Kong”, and that the media have cited the “I want to LamChau” team that has been operating since last year, its capital is “well placed in foreign banks for long term” and will continue to organize and support counter-attacks from around the world.

There were 12 young people on board and they were on their way to Taiwan at the time, and the Guangdong Coast Guard said that Lee Yu-hin was the one who had participated in the anti-extradiction campaign. At that time, they left from Po Toi O, Sai Kung to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where they intended to apply for political asylum. They were intercepted by the Chinese Coast Guard near Ninepin Island and are currently being detained by the Chinese Coast Guard, while the Chinese Public Security Bureau is still investigating. According to the criminal law of Mainland China, the Public Security Bureau can hold the illegal immigrants criminally responsible, and the illegal immigrants can be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, after which they will be repatriated to Hong Kong.
Lee Yu-hin, a member of “Hong Kong Story”, was arrested on August 10, the same day that the National Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested the founder of Next Media, Lai Chi-ying and his sons, as well as other senior executives of Next Media, and he was released on bail.
The police have also pointed out that Lee is a member of a group operating in Hong Kong with the aim of “asking foreign or international organizations to sanction Hong Kong”, and that the media have cited the “I want to LamChau” team that has been operating since last year, its capital is “well placed in foreign banks for long term” and will continue to organize and support attacks of the Hong Kong government from around the world.

Taiwan’s authority said on 26th that the Taiwan would never encourage illegal travel to Taiwan, the smugglers will face criminal liability if caught.





  • 台灣牧師黃春生協助香港示威者偷渡到台灣.

“I am getting used to unexpected congregations,” joked Ng Chhun-seng 黃春生 , 54-year-old 濟南基督長老教會主任牧師 in Taipei who has emerged as a prominent player in the network.

The pastor works as a liaison, coordinating travel plans with organisers in Hong Kong, arranging accommodation at properties owned by churches and connecting protesters with lawyers, doctors, aid groups and schools throughout Taiwan.

These days, he said, he is constantly on his phone fielding requests, even during sermons and between prayers.

Huang said he recently learned of a protester who said she had been raped by Hong Kong police and needed a boat to smuggle her to Taiwan so that she could receive an abortion.

At least 10 students arrived by plane after escaping from the campus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where police and protesters were in a standoff for days. Huang connected them with a lawyer who helped them get temporary student visas through a Taiwan university.


讀者漫談百年文字力量| 台灣教會公報新聞網
台灣牧師黃春生 , 台灣基督長老教會牧師,現任濟南基督長老教會主任牧師
  • Shenzhen Yantian People’s Procuratorate approved the arrest of 10 Hongkongers for illegally crossing the border area. It approved arrest of another two for organizing illegal border crossing. The case is still under investigation.
  • 《星岛日报》11日报道,O记高级警司何振东透露,警方早前接到广东省公安厅资料称,8月23日上午9时在内地海域截获一快艇,拘捕12名港人,涉嫌“偷越边境罪”。香港警方经过追查后于10日清晨采取行动,拘捕4男5女。警方调查发现,他们各自分工出钱出力,涉嫌向在逃人士提供资金、安排偷渡前的住宿、接送到码头,以及安排抵达台湾后的生活。行动中搜获50多万港元现金、手机、计算机及船只交易单据,显示购船费达数十万港元,而偷渡费从数万至十多万港元不等。根据香港法例,“协助罪犯”属严重罪行,一旦罪成,最高监禁为10年。


  • 12-30-20 Shenzhen’s Yantian District People’s Court on Wednesday sentenced 10 Hong Kong detainees to imprisonment from seven months to three years for organizing illegal border crossing and illegally entering Chinese mainland waters in August. The Hong Kong police will receive two suspects from the mainland, who are under age 18 and among the 12 HK detainees found crossing into Chinese mainland waters illegally.

American Armored Vehicle Crew Injured After Violent Encounter With Russian Convoy in Syria
The crew of a U.S. armored vehicle was injured after running into a Russian military convoy in an incident in northeast Syria earlier this week.
It appears there are two US vehicles US MaxxPro MRAP being sandwhiched by Russian BTR-80, 2 Typhoon-K MRAPs, Ural-4320, and 2 Tigr vehicles with Russian Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-35M helicopters overhead.

U.S. U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft intrusion

The U.S. U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft intruded into the no-fly zone of the PLA’s northern combat zone without authorization, seriously interfering with the Chinese side’s normal exercise and training activities, seriously violating the China-U.S. code of conduct for maritime and air safety and relevant international practices, and easily causing misunderstandings and misjudgments or even maritime and air accidents, which is a nakedly provocative action. China demands that the United States side immediately stop such provocative actions and take practical action to maintain peace and stability in the region.