Chinese virus fighters get top honor

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday signed a presidential order to award epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan the Medal of the Republic, the highest state honor, for his outstanding contributions in China’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. 

This is the second time for China to award the medal. The first was awarded last year to pharmaceutical chemist Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping, a Chinese agronomist and educator, and Shen Liangliang, a soldier of the Chinese peacekeeping force in Mali.


Along with Zhong, China’s top medical adviser Zhang Boli, top Chinese vaccine researcher Chen Wei and Zhang Dingyu, dean of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, were awarded national honorary titles, “the People’s Hero.”


Awarding the top honor to four prominent coronavirus fighters in China showcases the core spirit of the Chinese people in respecting science and professionalism – two key factors that helped the country win the battle against COVID-19, experts said.

Huawei unveils plan for smart cars

Huawei aims to develop cost-effective radars for smart cars, a top executive told a forum, as the Chinese manufacturer seeks a bigger role in the intelligent vehicle industry amid the ongoing China-US tech war.

The company is set to reduce the cost of radar sensors to $100 in the future with its advanced 5G technology, Wang Jun, an executive with the Huawei smart-car solutions business unit, said at the China Automotive Blue Book Forum in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province on Tuesday.

He revealed that Huawei has an optoelectronic technology research center based in Wuhan, with a total of more than 10,000 employees involved in the research, and the goal is to develop 100-line laser radars in the short term.

Huawei will use ICT technology to create parts with better performance and lower prices. In the future, it plans to keep the cost of laser radars, a key component for intelligent vehicles to navigate and collect information on surroundings, as low as $200 or even $100 per unit, Wang said.





























Americans would have to “learn to speak Chinese”

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said Americans would have to “learn to speak Chinese” if he loses the 2020 election to former Vice President Joe Biden. 

Trump was implying that Biden would be soft on China, though in reality the former vice president’s campaign has taken a fairly hawkish stance toward Beijing. 

“All they’re waiting for, and China too, is that I’m defeated. Because if I’m defeated, China will own the United States,” Trump told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.

“If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States—you will have to learn to speak Chinese!” Trump added.

Trump’s grandkid singing in Mandarin.

Putin says Russia’s Health Ministry has approved world’s FIRST Covid-19 vaccine

romo video shows ‘Sputnik V’ – world’s first registered Covid-19 vaccine – eradicating planet-sized coronavirus

Putin insisted that vaccination in Russia should only be carried out on a voluntary basis, with nobody forced to accept immunization. He also revealed that one of his daughters has already been vaccinated.

It is hoped the Russian vaccine will go into general circulation by January. In the meantime, front-line health workers and the medically vulnerable will be given priority, according to the Health Ministry.

Putin asked Health Minister Mikhail Murashko to provide more detailed information about the plans for immunization.  “I know that it works rather effectively, forms a stable immunity, and, I repeat, it passed all the necessary inspections,” the President added.
Vadim Tarasov, a top scientist at Moscow’s Sechenov University, where the trials took place said the country had a head start as it has spent the last 20 years developing skills in this field and trying to understand how viruses transmit. The technology behind the Russian vaccine is based upon adenovirus, the common cold. Created artificially, the vaccine proteins replicate those of Covid-19 and trigger “an immune response similar to that caused by the coronavirus itself,” Tarasov revealed.

  • Coronavirus vaccine pre-orders top 5 billion in worldwide scramble for supplies.
  • Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte expects to be inoculated with Russia’s coronavirus vaccine by May, as the Southeast Asian nation is set to join clinical trials in October. A panel of local experts will review the results of Russia’s findings on its vaccine before large-scale human trials start in the Philippines, Duterte’s spokesman Harry Roque said Thursday. Russia will fund the clinical trial in the country, he said.
  • Russian officials in Moscow tell CNN they have offered “unprecedented cooperation” with Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the US multi-agency body set up to accelerate access to effective Covid-19 vaccines and treatments.But the officials told CNN that the “US is not currently open” to the Russian medical advances.”There is a general sense of mistrust of Russia on the American side and we believe that technologies — including vaccine, testing and treatments — are not being adopted in US because of that mistrust,” one senior Russian official told CNN.
  • Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnurin announced on his social media account that he had been vaccinated against the new coronavirus. 8-20-20.
  • The Lancet publishes study showing Russia’s ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine to be 100% effective. 9-4-20
  • 9-7-20 The first batch of Russia’s pioneering coronavirus formula Sputnik V has been approved for public use and has already been placed into circulation, the Ministry of Health in Moscow has announced.
  • 9-12-20 Russia will supply up to 50 million doses of the Sputnik V COVID19 vaccine to Brazil, said Russia’s sovereign wealth fund. Deliveries are expected to start in November.

2020 Fortune Global 500 list

The 2020 Fortune Global 500 list was released, with Walmart becoming the world’s largest company for the seventh year in a row, Sinopec remaining in second place, State Grid moving up to third, PetroChina in fourth, and Shell dropping to fifth place. seven Internet companies made the list, including Amazon, Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. from the U.S., as well as China’s Jingdong Group, Alibaba Group, Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Xiaomi Group. The most striking change in this year’s rankings is the number of companies in Mainland China + Hong Kong, which reaches 124, surpassing the US (121) for the first time in history.

Orders for lithography machines

Han’s Laser Technology Industry Group 韩氏激光技术产业集团 said Monday on an open platform that it has received orders for lithography machines — the core equipment for chip manufacturing — with a resolution of 3-5μm, focusing on discrete devices, LED and other applications.


Agnes Ting Chow arrested

Pro-secession HK riot leader Agnes Ting Chow 周庭 arrested for violating national security law for HK, HK media reported.

The police did not handcuff Chow Ting when they took her away, but she faked as being handcuffed and ended up blowing the disguise by fiddling with her hair as shown in the video. Netizens also questioned her intention to pretend to be locked in handcuffs to attract the media’s spotlight, a tactic also “trained by the CIA” and identical to the way Joshua Wong pretended to be handcuffed in 2016.

Hong Kong police target high-profile activists Joshua Wong, Andy ...

Police say Chow Ting has been arrested on suspicion of violating Hong Kong’s National Security Law. In a post on Chow Ting’s Facebook page in the evening, his “ADMIN” said a group of police officers went to her home and her lawyer is on her way to support her.

A female lawyer arrived at the house to provide assistance.

The lawyer at the scene said the police were searching her home under a search warrant issued on August 6.

周庭以“香港众志”主要成员身份前往日本与反华政客枝野幸男 1-19



China sanctions 11 U.S. officials over HK affairs

China announced sanctions on 11 U.S. officials Monday in response to U.S. sanctions against officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian at a daily news briefing. The sanctions, effective from Monday, are applied to U.S. officials including Senators

Marco Rubio (senator from Florida) bill sponsor “Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy of 2019
Ted Cruz ( Senator for Texas ) Cruz met with Jimmy Lai in HK 10-14-19
Cosponsor: “Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy of 2019
Josh Hawley ( Senator from Missouri ) Cosponsor: “Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy of 2019
Tom Cotton( Senator from Arkansas ) Cosponsor: “Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy of 2019
Pat Toomey (Senator from Pennsylvania )
Cosponsor: “Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy of 2019
Chris Smith ( Representative for New Jersey ) member of “Congressional-Executive Commission on China”
Carl Gershman (NED) National Endowment for Democracy (aka CIA) The NED receives an annual appropriation from the U.S. budget (it is included in the chapter of the Department of State budget destined for the U.S. Agency for International Development-USAID)
Derek Mitchell (NDI) National Democratic Institute receives financial support from the National Endowment for Democracy, the US Agency for International Development, the US Department of State,] and the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening.
Daniel Twining (IRI) International Republican Institute is a 501(c)(3) and receives funding through grants from the U.S. State DepartmentU.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy
Kenneth Roth (Human Rights Watch) Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an American-founded international non-governmental organization. Funding is not fully transparent, with the HRW website only listing some organizations that provide “partnership and support” including: Open Society Institute (Soros)Ford Foundation, the Oak Foundation, among others.
Michael J. Abramowitz (Freedom House) Freedom House is a 501(c)(3) U.S. Government funded non-governmental organisation (NGO). Funding is primarily derived from the US Government.

11 US A s s h o l e s
针对美方错误行径,中方决定从即日起,对在涉港问题上表现恶劣的美国联邦参议员卢比奥 、克鲁兹、霍利、科顿、图米,联邦众议员史密斯,以及美国国家民主基金会总裁格什曼、美国国际事务民主协会总裁米德伟、美国国际共和研究所总裁特温宁、人权观察执行主席罗斯、自由之家总裁阿布拉莫维茨实施制裁。