一剪梅:美国歌手SamTsui 翻唱

Company that owns President Trump’s Vancouver hotel files for bankruptcy

The company that owns the Trump International Hotel in Vancouver, Canada, has filed for bankruptcy, according to Canadian records — raising questions about the future of one of President Trump’s newest hotels, just three years after it opened.

Trump does not own the Vancouver hotel; the building’s owner pays Trump’s company to operate the hotel and to license the Trump name.
The Trump Vancouver hotel has already been closed for four months because of the coronavirus pandemic. By Friday — a day after the bankruptcy filing — the hotel’s website was taken down, its name was missing from Trump Hotels’ corporate website, and the Vancouver hotel’s accounts were deleted from Twitter and Facebook.

Two-faced idiot: No to extradition, needs extradition

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says '今日的我打倒昨日的我 綜合症候群簡介: 昨天 2019年 罪反 犯對 引兩 渡地 今天 2020年 兩要 地求 罪引 犯渡'
张达明(Eric Cheung,1963年7月12日-),香港法律学者,香港大学法律学院首席讲师。早年就读于民生书院小学(1975年毕业)、民生书院(1981年中五毕业)以及皇仁书院(1983年预科毕业),在皇仁书院就学时与前律政司司长黄仁龙为同学。他后来入读香港大学法律学院及取得法律深造证书。1996年起加入香港大学法律学院担任助理教授。他过去也曾经担任大量公职。2014年起任法学院首席讲师。

China’s largest oceanographic research vessel launched

China’s largest oceanographic research vessel dubbed the “Sun Yat-sen University,” was launched at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai on Friday, about 92 years after China’s first scientific expedition to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.

China’s largest oceanographic research vessel dubbed the “Sun Yat-sen University,” was launched at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai on Friday, about 92 years after China’s first scientific expedition to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.

Construction of the research vessel began on October 28, 2019. With a length of 114.3 meters, a width of 19.4 meters, and a draft of 9.3 meters, the ship has a range of 15,000 nautical miles. 

The research vessel with a displacement of 6,900 tons is capable of global navigation in unlimited navigation areas and can carry more than a dozen mobile container laboratories. It is capable of completing various kinds of scientific research from the seabed to the sky of 10,000 meters, including ocean, atmosphere, geophysics and the ecological environment.

The ship also has a helicopter landing platform, which is convenient for scientific researchers and materials transport, and it can also be used as a drone landing platform, which could expand the scope of scientific research observation. In the future, a 760-square-meter stationary laboratory will be built on the ship.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announces his resignation due to Health Issues

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has made known his intention to resign from his post in order to avoid the worsening of old illnesses and other issues affecting the country’s government.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who led Japan for eight consecutive years, has said he is stepping down hours after he informed his ruling coalition that he was suffering from health issues.

Explaining his decision earlier in the day, Shinzo Abe said he feared the illness would affect his decision-making. “I will not be able to make proper judgments due to illness,” the outgoing premier clarified, as quoted by Kyodo news agency.

Abe has been suffering from ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎 , an inflammatory chronic disease, for many years. The prime minister himself revealed that his condition started to worsen around the middle of the last month, possibly prompting him to consider stepping down.

Yoshihide Suga at a debate for the LDP leadership election in Tokyo
Yoshihide Suga 菅义伟 set to be Japan’s next PM.

Fujian Longyan Bridge completes second rotation

福建龙岩市龙岩大桥 The bridge had undergone its first rotation a little over four months ago. The bridge tower was rotated 69-degree the first time to allow the completion of the bridge deck installation.
At around 2:30 a.m. the cable-stayed bridge and deck with a total weight of 23,600 tons completed a 21-degree counterclockwise rotation, it took about an hour. It is the first time in the world for the “second horizontal rotation” construction process.

The reason for the second rotation is because there’s a “double risk” in the construction of the Longyan Bridge.
The first is that the Longyan Bridge will cross the existing Ganlong Railway and Longxia Railway 赣龙铁路、龙厦铁路 . Nearly 120 trains pass through these two railroads every day.
The second is that the shortest distance between the main tower and the railway line is only 6.5 meters.
The two turns are to overcome these two risks.
When completed the Longyearbyen Bridge will be an important link in the Longyan expressway system improving the efficiency of local transport operations and helping to accelerate the development of the old area.

Kid shooter in Wisconsin
Two killed, one injured. The first victim was shot in the head. An exchange of what sounds like pistol and rifle shots can be heard. The alleged attacker then fled the scene. As the mob caught up with the young man, he fired again while on the ground, apparently hitting one in the stomach and another in the bicep. The man hit in the bicep was carrying a pistol at the time.

The Illinois teen accused of shooting two people dead during chaotic unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week has been charged on six counts, including first-degree murder and attempted homicide.
In addition to first-degree intentional homicide and attempted murder, he faces two charges for reckless endangerment, reckless homicide and the possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor.