China sends new high-resolution remote sensing satellite into space

China successfully sent the Gaofen-9 05 高分九号05 – a high resolution Earth observation satellite – into planned orbit via a Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China’s Gansu Province on Sunday morning at around 10:30 am.

The Gaofen-9 05 is an optical remote-sensing satellite that is capable of providing photographs with a resolution of less than a meter.

It will be used for land surveys, urban planning, road network design, agriculture and disaster relief, and support the construction of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Times learned from China’s space authorities.

A multi-functional experiment satellite that was developed by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Sciences, and Tiantuo-5, a spacecraft developed by the National University of Defense Technology, were also launched during the mission.
The multi-functional experiment satellite will carry out work in a series of new fields in orbit ranging from communication to navigation. Tiantuo-5 will be used to verify in-orbit information collection capabilities from ships, spacecraft and Internet of Things.

Travel from Guangzhou to Shanghai by Public Transit

The young man’s name is Tian Xiaolang 田小浪 (pen name).

  By chance, he saw a map of the bus route from Guangzhou to Shanghai, gave him the idea to travel by public transit.

  The total distance from Guangzhou to Shanghai is 1,922 km. He brought only one bag on this trip.

  On August 7, Tian Xiaolang departed from Jiangmen, Guangdong. For ten days, he’s been through 600 or 700 bus stops. He has just arrived in Zhangzhou, Fujian province.

  Tian Xiaolang said. At the most, it was an 8-hour ride a day. Spending an average of no more than ¥ 150 per day. It’s cost about ¥2,000 so far.

With their visas in limbo, journalists at Voice of America worry that they’ll be thrown out of America

“The new chief executive of VOA’s parent agency, a Trump appointee named Michael Pack, has stopped renewing visas, leaving 76 VOA employees like Segovia facing imminent removal — and undermining the agency’s ability to deliver news to non-English-speaking audiences around the world, staffers argue. Pack hasn’t said why.” —

Michael Pack

Associated Press report yesterday gave new information that 16 VOA foreign correspondents, mainly from China and Indonesia, will be forced to return to their home countries in the next few weeks if they don’t get their visas renewed or extended. Associated Press doesn’t think they’ll have an easy time of it on their return, given their sensitive status as working for the U.S. government’s mouthpiece.



Australia HKSAR passport holders holding Temporary Graduate Visas or Temporary Skilled Shortage Visas will have their visas automatically extended for five years

The new visa arrangements mean that up to 10,000 Hong Kong passport holders in Australia will be able to extend their stay for five years, at the end of which they will be granted permanent residency in Australia after passing relevant character, security and health checks. Under the new visa policy announced by the Australian Government, HKSAR passport holders holding Temporary Graduate Visas or Temporary Skilled Shortage Visas will have their visas automatically extended for five years.

Following the enactment of Hong Kong’s National Security Law, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on July 9 that he would extend the visa period for Hong Kong residents and provide a pathway to apply for permanent residence.

According to ABC, there are currently nearly 10,000 Hong Kong citizens in Australia on temporary work visas, post-graduation temporary visas and student visas, and another 2,500 Hong Kong people outside Australia on these visas.

China’s poverty relief campaign

China’s poverty relief campaign is nearing its end as the nation has pledged to lift all out of poverty by year-end, but this is not the end, for the pursuit of a better life will continue and so will the nation continue to strive forward.

1938 Japanese bombing on Guangzhou

1938年 日軍對廣州大轟炸 1938年,在5月開始日戰機頻密轟炸廣洲,廣州大轟炸,日軍投彈落民居,死傷慘重,廣州陷入一片火海,統計當時廣洲死14587人,傷者無數,1938年10月21日廣州淪陷,不小大陸難民(富與貧)都避難來香港,但日本已訂下入侵香港計劃。

Lee Kuan Yew on China and South-east Asia in 1967

1967年新加坡新立國李光耀論中國未來美國 東南亞兩和新加坡關系 (新加坡簡體中文字幕)南海問題中新加坡的思維邏輯上世紀六十年代就已奠定.李光耀(1923年9月16日-2015年3月23日),客家人,祖籍廣東梅州。李光耀長期擔任新加坡共和國總理和人民行動黨秘書長,對新加坡歷史、經濟、政治均有影響,因此被稱為新加坡建國之父,也被美國《商業內幕》評為「20世紀最成功的獨裁者」第二名。