Maxphotonics 40 kW Laser Global Launch

On September 4, Shenzhen Maxphotonics Co., Ltd. (Chuangxin Laser) and Shandong Jinan Bodor Laser Co. reported that the 40kW multimode continuous laser sets the record of the highest power of the same kind of industrial laser cutting, equipped with a single module 6kW also simultaneously break the highest record of the domestic industrial utility single mode.

Guangdong dolphins

Tourists in Dongxing, S China’s Guangdong Province, recently spotted a pod of dolphins jumping and playing in the sea. The local authority responded that it has become a common occurrence recently, indicating the ecological environment in coastal waters has improved.

Reusable experimental spacecraft

China successfully launched a reusable experimental spacecraft with a Long March-2F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan 酒泉 Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China on Friday. The spacecraft will return to Earth after some time in orbit, designed for peaceful use of space.

9-6-20 After flying in orbit for two days, China’s reusable spacecraft, which was launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Friday, successfully returned to its designated landing site on Sunday.

China’s First Homegrown Nuclear Reactor Begins Loading Fuel

China National Nuclear Power Co., a unit of China National Nuclear Corp., said fuel loading started at the Fuqing No. 5 reactor 福清核电5号 , the first to use the domestic technology 华龙一号(原称ACP-1000), on Sept. 4 after securing an operating license from the nation’s Ministry of Ecology & Environment.
