Jared Kushner owed money to a bank with ties to Taiwan’s government while working at the White House, according to a new book by Forbes’ senior editor Dan Alexander, White House, Inc., signaling a possible conflict that was never reported due to a loophole in disclosure laws and one that could have implications for the country’s diplomatic relationships with Taiwan and China.
Kushner and his partners bought an old warehouse in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, called the Austin Nichols House in 2015 for a reported $275 million and turned it into a luxury condo building.
The deal came witha $175 million mortgage on the property held by Kushner and his partners; a 2017 split left a bank called Mega International Commercial Bank 兆丰银行 with $50 million of the loan, according to financial documents reviewed by Alexander.
The loan documents specifically name Kushner as one of the two guarantors of the debt.

