Definitely not a roach

17岁的高艳能这两天成了远近皆知的名人。在4月24日的中考体育考试中,本可以免考的他,靠着双拐和一条腿,不断向前跳跃,最终“跑”完1000米。高艳能的成绩是一般,在同组10人中排名倒数第一,距满分成绩差距不小,含泪看他跑完全程的监考老师破例给了他满分。高艳能是一位靠双拐和一条腿走路的残疾少年,他为了“稳稳当当”考上高中,在中考体育考试中才上演了令监考老师泪奔的这一幕,他也因此由跑倒数第一反转为得满分。那么高艳能究竟赢在哪里?在笔者看来,主要赢在以下两个方面。其一,赢在“我能行”。从高艳能的成长历程看,他是一个不向命运低头的人。最闪光的表现主要有二,一是上初中后,虽然家离学校有10公里路程,可他一直坚持和小伙伴们一同步行。二是在学校就餐,学校为照顾他的特殊情况,免于他去排队,但他始终都没接受这一照顾。正是因为有了“我能行”,才让他“没觉得和其他人有啥不一样”,才让他不靠特殊化埋单,主动将自己置于同一起跑线,与健全同学同“吃”、同“行”、同“比试”。这就凸显出身残志坚精神,拥有这样的财富谁会败北?其二,赢在“做最好的自己”。从此次中考体育考试来看,即便高艳能不去参加考1000米项目,学校给予的免试政策也足令他拿到总分50分的60%。然而高艳能却不安于现状,认为只要参与并坚持下来,“说不定拿的不止60%”,那样就会让他由考上高中的“问题不大”,变成“稳稳当当”。由此可见,这个“做最好的自己”,已被高艳能诠释为尽最大努力,争取最好结果。如此一来,高艳能留在跑道上的那个“做最好的自己”的背影,又怎么不赢得来自同学的加油呐喊,又怎么不赢得监考老师为之动容、满泪、给满分?这实在是身边最生动的励志教材,其感染力尤其催人奋进的正能量,又岂是一场考试的满分所能承载?分明是自强不息、勇于拼搏的民族魂的又一次跳跃。总之,尽管因为不测让高艳能不能正常行走,但他那不向命运低头的“我能行”和“做最好的自己”,却为他撑起一片天,不仅让他成为生活和求学上的强者,更在向世人诠释什么是自强不息、勇于拼搏的民族魂和民族精神。从这一点来讲,高艳能的励志意义绝不局限于身残志坚,而成催所有人奋进的一把通用钥匙。望高艳能一路走下去,最终赢得不凡人生。Compared to the roaches in Hong Kong, this kid is a positive role model.

China officially the largest aviation market in the world

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) had predicted the change would occur 2024. This takes place 4 years ahead of schedule

Booming domestic travel demand during summer holidays proves to be a bright ray of sunshine for China’s aviation sector.

Domestic flights in August averaged well over 10,000 flights a day, almost the same level as a year earlier. Overall, more than 28,000 flights – domestic, international and stopovers – took off and landed at mainland airports on average daily in August, an increase of 12 per cent from July.

Time Magazine Partners With Huawei To Launch Publication Aimed At Kids

The partnership led to the creation of a Chinese edition of Time for Kids aimed for use in classrooms across the world.

The digital magazine rollout was “made possible by Huawei and Tan Chong International Limited 陳唱國際有限公司 ,” a collaborative effort that Time for Kids editor in chief Andrea Delbanco described herself as being “thrilled” about.
The initiative was spurred by COVID-19 and the ensuing shift to online learning, with PR Newswire describing the effort as a “continuation of [Time’s] global initiative to offer digital editions of the school-based publication in multiple languages to support teachers, families and students around the world during this period of school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.”

China overtakes US as EU’s largest trading partner

According to data released by Eurostat on Sept. 16. In the first seven months of 2020, China overtook the US as the EU for the first time as largest trading partner: From January to July, year-on-year imports from China increased by 4.9% , while imports from the U.S. decreased by 11.7% .
EU’s exports to China fell by 1.8%, while exports to the U.S. fell by 9.9%.
China remains the EU’s top source of imports, third largest exporter of goods
The share of the market position was 21.9% and 10.3%, respectively.

U.S. Drops Case Against Chinese Scientist at UVA

Prosecutors abruptly moved to drop criminal charges against a visiting Chinese scientist at the University of Virginia who had been arrested last month on allegations of stealing trade secrets from his professor, after the university acknowledged the scientist was authorized to access some of the material. Another BS allegation.

Hong Kong Medical Voucher

  • Vouchers 医疗券 are issued and used electronically through the eHealth System (Subsidies).
  • The HKU-SZ Hospital 香港大学深圳医院 , wholly invested by the Shenzhen Government and managed by the University of Hong Kong, is a comprehensive public hospital. 
    The HKSARG enable eligible Hong Kong elders to use health care vouchers to pay for the fees of outpatient services provided by designated clinics/departments of the HKU-SZ Hospital.
  • Hong Kong elders aged 65 or above who hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Certificate of Exemption issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSARG can join the Scheme. 
  • Healthcare Service Providers who accept the vouchers: Medical Practitioner, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Dentist, Chiropractor, Registered Nurse / Enrolled Nurse, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Radiographer, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Optometrist (Part I of the register)

$580 for a tooth filling, the money goes to the practitioners quickly.
  • Hong Kong was ranked number one by Bloomberg for its position as the country with the most efficient medical care system in the world in 2018. The commendable accessibility of quality medical care in Hong Kong also has a major role to play when considering the longevity of Hong Kongers, who have the longest average life expectancies in the world.
  • The public healthcare system – The heavily subsidized public system ensures that everyone who meets the eligibility requirements has access to essential healthcare, regardless of their financial means. It is managed by the Hospital Authority (HA), which is a statutory body providing public hospitals and related services to the citizens of Hong Kong. The HA offers essential medical treatment and rehabilitation services to patients through hospitals, day hospitals, specialist clinics, general outpatient clinics, Chinese medicine services, and community outreach services.
    The public sector consists of 43 public hospitals and institutions (around 28,000 beds), as well as 49 specialist outpatient clinics and 73 general outpatient clinics organized into 7 hospital clusters.
  • Recurrent funding of $75 billion to the HA in 2020-21, an increase of 35% from 2017-18

Second American Civil War

The ‘Second American Civil War’ (SACW) started in May as a rural-urban divide, with Trumpian rural voters on one side and Democrat-leaning urbanites on the other. It is a conflict fuelled by differing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in which conservative (mostly Republican) states have backed Trump’s calls to open up the economy and Democrat-majority states have generally acted on public health advice. Armed white militia members began acting out in earnest at the end of April when they stormed into the Michigan State legislature demanding an end to the state’s coronavirus lockdown. Two weeks later, they were back protesting “stay-at-home” orders.

Right-wing, mostly White and heavily-armed, militia gangs have been on the move since the beginning of the year. In January, a mob gathered in Richmond, the state capital of Virginia, to protest against gun control measures. In one respect, this is nothing new. Large gatherings of armed White militia have been a feature of the Trump presidency, almost from the get-go, but their size, intensity and frequency have increased significantly this year.
This ramping up of gun-toting White extremists forming up to harass and intimidate people and politicians is definitely linked to the resurgence of Black Lives Matter in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor and countless other Black men and women at the hands of police officers.

  • Taylor, a 26-year-old Black emergency medical worker, was shot five times by officers who entered her home using a no-knock warrant during a drug investigation March 13. The warrant was connected with someone who did not live there, and no drugs were found during the search. The use of no-knock warrants is now banned in the city. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer declared a state of emergency and announced a 72-hour curfew starting at 9 p.m. The Louisville Metro Police Department announced it was putting barricades around the downtown perimeter where protests have been concentrated. The Kentucky National Guard was also deployed in the city.
    US President Donald Trump has said that the federal government is ready to involve itself in Louisville, Kentucky, where two officers were shot amid protests over the lack of murder charges in the Breonna Taylor case.
A Kentucky grand jury opted to indict only one of the three Louisville police officers in the raid that led to Breonna Taylor’s death earlier this year. Former Sgt. Brett Hankison was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment for firing rounds during the raid that went into neighboring apartments, but not in the death of Taylor.
10-5-20 A black militia group, the Not F***ing Around Coalition (NFAC), assembled in Lafayette, Louisiana to protest police violence. The demonstration comes amid growing racial tensions in the United States. Several hundred black-clad NFAC members, many of them carrying assault rifles, paraded through Lafayette on Saturday. The column included people wearing body armor and other tactical gear.