China launches second carrier rocket at sea

China successfully conducted its second sea launch mission with Long March-11 from waters in the Yellow Sea off the coast of East China’s Shandong Province on Tuesday, sending 9 satellites into orbit at the same time.

Compared to the first launch, developers have further optimized and streamlined its sea launch capabilities by deploying a new launch vessel and putting a new coastal spaceport into operation, laying a solid foundation for more frequent and regular sea missions in the future.

The launch mission from sea successfully sent a group of nine commercial remote sensing satellites, all belonging to the Jilin-1 03 family, into the 535-kilometer Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO).

Oracle has won a deal

Oracle has reportedly won a deal to manage TikTok’s US cloud operations. Oracle had been rumored to be part of the bidding process to acquire TikTok, but The Wall Street Journal reports that the company has been selected as a “trusted tech partner” instead. This is different from an outright sale, and appears to suggest Oracle will be helping run TikTok’s US operations with its own cloud technologies.

If Trump agrees to this, Tik Tok is poised to explode much bigger and it will open the door to more Chinese companies operating in the West. My guess is “not likely”.

  • Hawley calls for US to reject Oracle’s TikTok deal. The deal is currently awaiting a recommendation from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), but it has received praise from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who chairs the committee. In an open letter to Mnuchin, Hawley calls on the secretary to take a more skeptical look at the proposal.
  • Rubio has sent a letter to the Trump Administration urging it to reject the proposed Oracle-TikTok deal, which would leave TikTok as an independent, US-based company, because ByteDance, TikTok’s parent, will retain a majority stake.
  • Ted Cruz has joined Marco Rubio, Josh Hawley and others in opposing the deal, penning his own letter claiming that any deal that doesn’t 100% address national security concerns should be rejected.

Race for the Superconducting Quantum Computing Cloud

China’s independently developed 6-qubit superconducting quantum computing cloud platform online. Based on its self-developed quantum computer “Wuyuan 悟源”, equipped with a 6-qubit superconducting quantum chip Quafu KF C6-130, the fidelity, coherence time and other technical indicators have reached the international advanced level.

Toronto-based Xanadu announced the release of the world’s first publicly available photonic quantum computing platform. Applicants can access 8, 12, and soon 24 qubit machines over the cloud.

Dragonfly and snail 9-13-20 Yuen Long rooftop

half inch long
Macrodiplax cora,高翔蜻蜓 ,the coastal glider, also known as wandering pennant, and Cora’s pennant, is a species of dragonfly in the family Libellulidae.
Tramea virginia ,Saddlebag Glider ?
Tramea virginia ,大華蜻蜓 / 华斜痣蜻 ,Saddlebag Glider ,

Trump lied about science

When President Donald Trump began talking to the public about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in February and March, scientists were stunned at his seeming lack of understanding of the threat. We assumed that he either refused to listen to the White House briefings that must have been occurring or that he was being deliberately sheltered from information to create plausible deniability for federal inaction. Now, because famed Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward recorded him, we can hear Trump’s own voice saying that he understood precisely that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was deadly and spread through the air. As he was playing down the virus to the public, Trump was not confused or inadequately briefed: He flat-out lied, repeatedly, about science to the American people. These lies demoralized the scientific community and cost countless lives in the United States.

UN Adopts Resolution Calling For Global Cooperation To Fight COVID-19, 169 countries in favour, US against

The United States voted against a COVID-19 resolution in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 11 that sought a “comprehensive and coordinated response” to the pandemic and also called for recognition of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) leadership role. The United States, which withdrew from the UN health body this July, along with Israel, voted against the resolution that was adopted by an overwhelming majority with 169 countries voting in favour of the text. Washington had accused WHO of mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic and also siding with China before officially withdrawing from the global health agency this summer. 

Out of 193 nations, 169 voted in favour of the resolution, Ukraine and Hungary abstained from voting, while the United States and Israel voted against the text, that calls for international cooperation to contain and overcome the pandemic and its consequences.