Jilin-1 failed launch

The launch of the “Jilin-1 吉林一号 ” high-division 02C satellite by a Qizhou-1A carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre was abnormal and the mission was lost. The specific causes are being further investigated and analysed.

COVID-19 in US long before China

A new study by American researchers, released on Thursday, suggests the deadly coronavirus may have already reached Los Angeles by late December, actively circulating in the area months before the first definitive cases in the United States were identified.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), evaluated more than 10 million patient and health records for UCLA Health outpatient, emergency department and hospital facilities, spanning Dec. 1, 2019, to Feb. 29, 2020, and compared those records with data from the same period over the previous five years.

They found a troubling trend. The outpatient clinic visits by UCLA patients seeking care for coughs increased by over 50 percent and exceeded the average number of visits for the same complaint over the prior five years by more than 1,000.

They also discovered a “significant” excess in the number of patients seen in emergency departments for reports of coughs and of patients hospitalized with acute respiratory failure during this time period.

These excesses remained even after accounting for changes in patient populations and seasonal variation, according to the study, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research.

“For many diseases, data from the outpatient setting can provide an early warning to emergency departments and hospital intensive care units of what is to come,” said Joann Elmore, the study’s lead author and a professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Researchers noted the unusually high number of visitors, patients and hospitalizations suggests community spread of SARS-CoV-2 prior to established clinical awareness and testing capabilities.

It may indicate that the coronavirus had silently arrived and begun establishing a foothold undetected on the West Coast around Christmas 2019. If true, that would shake up the current narrative of the virus’ origins in the country.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the first U.S. COVID-19 case on Jan. 21, who was a man traveling from Wuhan, China to Washington state. And it was not until Feb. 26 that the CDC confirmed community spread of the coronavirus in the United States.

UCLA researchers did not conclude for certain that coronavirus was behind the trends laid out in their study, saying other factors could be responsible for some of this unexpected increase, such as the use of e-cigarettes, or flu.

Dolphins in the Gulf of Aden

Members of the 35th escort fleet of the Chinese PLA Navy were greeted by hundreds of dolphins during their convoy mission in the Gulf of Aden. The dolphins swam alongside the fleet for more than 2 hours, bringing enjoyment to the crew members.

Caucasus 2020

The first batch of Chinese PLA soldiers departed on Y-20 cargo planes to take part in the “Caucasus 2020” 高加索-2020 strategic drills in Russia. The Caucasus 2020, running from Sep 21 to 26, is Russia’s largest joint military exercise this year.

Hong Kong the world’s freest economy

Fraser Institute once again ranked Hong Kong as the world’s freest economy in the Economic Freedom of the World 2019 Report. Hong Kong has been retaining the top rank since the inception of the report. Among the five areas of assessment, Hong Kong was ranked top in “Freedom to Trade Internationally” and “Regulation”.

The index published in Economic Freedom of the World measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom. The cornerstones of economic freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to enter markets and compete, and security of the person and privately owned property. Forty-two data points are used to construct a summary index and to measure the degree of economic freedom in five broad areas.

  • Area 1: Size of Government
    As government spending, taxation, and the size of government-controlled enterprises increase, government decision-making is substituted for individual choice and economic freedom is reduced.
  • Area 2: Legal System and Property Rights
    Protection of persons and their rightfully acquired property is a central element of both economic freedom and civil society. Indeed, it is the most important function of government.
  • Area 3: Sound Money
    Inflation erodes the value of rightfully earned wages and savings. Sound money is thus essential to protect property rights. When inflation is not only high but also volatile, it becomes difficult for individuals to plan for the future and thus use economic freedom effectively.
  • Area 4: Freedom to Trade Internationally
    Freedom to exchange—in its broadest sense, buying, selling, making contracts, and so on—is essential to economic freedom, which is reduced when freedom to exchange does not include businesses and individuals in other nations.
  • Area 5: Regulation
    Governments not only use a number of tools to limit the right to exchange internationally, they may also develop onerous regulations that limit the right to exchange, gain credit, hire or work for whom you wish, or freely operate your business.

Overview of Western Hemisphere Strategic Framework

IV. Counter Economic Aggression and Malign Political Influence

External actors have increased political and economic influence in the Western Hemisphere through state-driven trade, investment, diplomatic, technology, media, security, and health outreach. Examples include the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) aggressive efforts to expand market share, notably in 5G infrastructure, for Huawei and other state-affiliated technology firms; export surveillance and censorship tools; and increase the region’s dependence on debt financing and commodities exports at the expense of sovereignty, fiscal prudence, economic diversification, and local markets. Such activities empower corruption, weaken intellectual property protections, exploit cyber vulnerabilities, unfairly disadvantage United States and host nation businesses, harm the environment, and pressure nations to adopt policies inconsistent with democratic values and the long-term interests of their own people. We will actively encourage our partners to incorporate due diligence and transparency requirements in foreign financing and investment.

China will fight if:

China must be a country that dares to fight, but the fight must be morally justifiable, which is, China is not a country that bullies the small, but it has no option but to go to war.






Covid-19 vaccines developed by Sinopharm

The two new inactivated coronavirus vaccines developed by Sinopharm, a state-owned pharmaceutical firm, have been used on an emergency basis, and hundreds of thousands of people have been vaccinated, with no apparent adverse reactions and no one infected; among them, tens of thousands of people who went overseas to high-risk countries and regions after receiving the vaccine have so far achieved zero infection.