Langham Place Shopping, ride the long escalators. 旺角朗豪坊购物商场 朗豪坊(Langham Place)位于中国香港旺角砵兰街,于2004年落成,是该区的著名地标建筑。朗豪坊属于三合一大型发展项目,分别由购物商场——朗豪坊购物商场、酒店——朗豪酒店以及办公室大楼——朗豪坊办公大楼组成。朗豪坊计划的三个项目有互惠互补的特点,大型商场设有大量商店、食肆及娱乐设施,高级写字楼和五星级酒店。朗豪坊一处本来是一片达180万平方呎的旧住宅用地,后来由市区重建局及鹰君集团合作,经过十年时间的规划及重建,终于办公室大楼及酒店率先在2004年第三季启用,同年10月,商场部分亦开始营运。朗豪坊购物商场 The Mall)楼高15层。商场最大特色是连接4A字楼与8字楼的“通天电梯”,该扶手电梯可算是香港最长的商场扶手电梯之一。
At the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre, China successfully launched the Gaofen 13 satellite with the Long March 3B launch vehicle, and the satellite smoothly entered into its predetermined orbit.
Gaofen 13 is a high-orbit optical remote sensing satellite mainly used in such fields as land census, crop estimation, environmental management, meteorological early warning and forecasting, comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation, and can provide information services for national economic development. Gaofen satellites are ideal for civilian use due to its vast coverage and high resolution observation capability, but they could also be used for military purposes during extreme times, just like satellites from other countries
The mission was the 349th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.
The first 25MW dual-fuel gas turbine generator by CNOOC and CSSC has been approved, becoming China’s first with independent intellectual property rights, breaking the monopoly of foreign gas turbines in domestic offshore oil and gas exploitation.