Nature walk 10-21-20 Tan Kwai Tsuen

0:01 Spine-tufted skimmer, or brown-backed red marsh hawk ( Orthetrum chrysis )华丽灰蜻
0:07 Slender skimmer (Orthetrum sabina) 狭腹灰蜻
0:12 Spine-tufted skimmer, or brown-backed red marsh hawk ( Orthetrum chrysis )华丽灰蜻
0:17 Papilio memnon,美凤蝶 the great Mormon
0:29 Hypolimnas bolina, the great eggfly 幻蛺蝶
0.33 Neptis hylas, 琉球三线蝶 the common sailor
1:12 Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶
1:16 Delias acalis,红腋班粉蝶 the redbreast Jezebel
Papilio memnon,美凤蝶 the great Mormon
Common emigrant or lemon emigrant ( Catopsilia pomona ), 迁粉蝶  is a medium-sized pierid butterfly found in Asia, Cambodia and parts of Australia.
Slender skimmer (Orthetrum sabina) 狭腹灰蜻
Spine-tufted skimmer, or brown-backed red marsh hawk ( Orthetrum chrysis )华丽灰蜻
Hypolimnas bolina, the great eggfly 幻蛺蝶
The Great Eggfly
Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶
Spine-tufted skimmer, or brown-backed red marsh hawk ( Orthetrum chrysis )华丽灰蜻
Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶
Delias acalis,红腋班粉蝶 the redbreast Jezebel
Delias acalis,红腋班粉蝶 the redbreast Jezebel

A form of Electroacupuncture
A form of Electroacupuncture, a pair of pads are used instead of needles. a low voltage current pulses is passed between the pads along the skin surface, a tingering sensation is felt. The machine has 8 different settings and 5 intensity levels. I can adminster this procedures by myself where reachable. The cost of the machine? $4 Cdn.

China’s economy is the envy of the world

China’s economy expanded by 4.9% in the third quarter compared to the previous year, according to government data published Monday, showing the rest of the world what’s possible when Covid-19 is brought under control.The pace of growth was a tad slower than economists had expected. But there were plenty of signs of strength, with the services and construction sectors performing especially well.China’s economy has now recovered from its historically bad first quarter, when the coronavirus forced the country to shut down. GDP grew a cumulative 0.7% through the first nine months of 2020, the data show. The best is yet to come.

Yuen Long 10-20-20

Tesla exports Made-in-China Model 3 to Europe

The Made-in-China model 3 vehicles are ready to leave the port in Shanghai next Tuesday to be exported to Germany, France, Italy and other European countries, although CEO Elon Musk said the company did not plan to export when building its Gigafactory in Shanghai.

In the near future, Tesla hopes the Made-in-China vehicles can benefit global consumers not only through China manufacturing but China design, research and development, Song Gang, manufacturing and operations head of Tesla’s Gigafactory in Shanghai said, according to media reports on Monday.

Auto analysts tied the reason for exports to robust capacity at the Shanghai factory, competitive costs of “Made-in-China” products, and the complete supply chain in the Chinese auto sector. 
Tesla is not alone. BMW and Polestar are making electric vehicles (EVs) in China and selling them to Europe.

Tsuen Wan: Chuk Lam Sim Monastery, Yuen Yuen Institute 10-18-20

圆玄学院(Yuen Yuen Institute),全称九天册立圆玄至道特级天坛,圆玄学院于1956年注册为有限公司,成为辖准免用有限公司字样的慈善团体。“圆玄学院”供奉儒家、佛教及道教的思想。建筑香富中国风格的亭台楼阁。 “三教牌坊”:中门竖立三座牌坊分别代表儒释道三教; “入德之门”:座落于三教大殿之下,取自朱子注《大学》章句“大学孔氏之遗书,而初学入德之门也。”; “三教大殿”:于1971年落成,采用天坛形式建造,供奉三教始祖; “元辰殿”:又称“太岁殿”,仿照北京的白云观兴建,供奉斗姥元君及60位太岁的像; “观音池”:池塘中央伫立高2米余白玉净水观音像,观音神像成于四川,乃仿敦煌画稿所制; “孔子铜像”:为孔教学院发起结像而建立,以志圆玄学院金禧纪念; “藏经阁”:收集儒、释、道的研究书刊,为香港道教界最大的图书馆; “雅石馆”:展览天然的奇型怪相岩石,包括酷似中国12生肖的石岩。跟新加坡及曼谷的“奇石博物馆”类似。
荃湾码头(Tsuen Wan Pier),又称荃湾渡轮码头,是香港新界荃湾沿海的一个码头,位于港铁西铁线荃湾西站以南。现时码头只设有定期航班往返马湾珀丽湾, 每日只开三班,而另一泊位是用作公众码头(荃湾公众码头),没有固定航线,现时只供青衣船厂员工早晚往返荃湾购补给物资及假日旅游船河上落用。
Whiskered Tern 须浮鸥(学名:Chlidonias hybrida)体长25厘米,是一种体型略小的浅色燕鸥。腹部深色(夏季),尾浅开叉。繁殖期:额黑,胸腹灰色。非繁殖期:额白,头顶具细纹,顶后及颈背黑色,下体白,翼、颈背、背及尾上覆羽灰色。幼鸟似成鸟但具褐色杂斑,与非繁殖期白翅浮鸥区别在头顶黑,腰灰色,无黑色颊纹。
如心海景酒店暨會議中心 (L’hotel Nina et Convention Centre)

Nature walk Hung Tsui Kiu 10-17-20

 Paris peacock ( Papilio paris ) 琉璃翠鳳蝶 中型凤蝶,躯体黑褐色,散布绿色亮鳞。后翅M3脉端有一明显叶状尾突。翅背面底色黑褐色,密布亮鳞,后翅前侧有一枚蓝绿色亮斑,与后翅中央之绿色亮线连接。后翅臀区有一紫红色圈纹。翅腹面底色褐色,于前翅外侧有灰白色斑带;后翅内侧有一片黄褐色鳞,沿外缘有一列紫红色弦月纹。雄蝶前翅背面后侧有褐色绒毛状性标。
Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶 是凤蝶属美凤蝶亚属的一个物种。是一种在亚洲乃至东欧广泛分布的凤蝶,且颇为常见。
Blue marsh hawk male( Orthetrum glaucum ) 金黃蜻蜓
Paris peacock ( Papilio paris ) 琉璃翠鳳蝶
Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶
Common Mormon ( Papilio polytes ) 玉带凤蝶
金黃蜻蜓,雄, 未熟。
Blue marsh hawk male( Orthetrum glaucum ) 金黃蜻蜓
體長44-50mm,雄蟲複眼藍綠色,胸部藍灰色,腹部灰藍色具粉末,翅膀透明,後翅基具少許的黑褐色斑,翅痣黃褐色,腹端末2節藍黑色,雌蟲複眼褐色或藍綠色,合胸前視金黃色,側視具黑褐色或褐色粗線條紋, 底色金黃,翅透明,翅痣黃色,此為命名的由來。未熟雄蟲近似雌蟲但可從腹末節構造分辨,

Shanghai “smart health houses”

Shanghai has so far set up 195 “smart health houses” where local residents can complete physical checkups themselves and obtain health assessment reports using smart technologies.

Day bike/bird/butterfly trip around Yuen Long 10-16-20

0:11 Long-tailed tailorbird 长尾缝叶莺
0:42 Night Heron 夜鹭
0:56 Red-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha) 红嘴蓝鹊
1:14 Little egret 小白鹭
1:30 Egrets
2:45 Common Greenshank 青脚鹬
3:09 Marsh Sandpiper 泽鹬
3:19 Common Redshank 红脚鹬
3:35 Marsh Sandpiper
3:44 Common Greenshank
3:46 Common Greenshank
4:02 Black-winged stilt female 黑翅长脚鹬
4:17 Whimbrel 中杓鹬
4:55 Whimbrel
6:17 Marsh Sandpiper
6:52 Little egret
7:23 Common Greenshank
8:24 Black-winged stilt female
9:00 Common Redshank
9:33 Common Sandpiper 矶鹬
10:12 Common Redshank
10:55 Pond Heron 池鹭
11:12 Common Moorhen 黑水鸡
12:31 Common Greenshank
12:52 Grey Heron 苍鹭
13:06 Marsh Sandpiper
13:43 Grey Heron
14:38 Pond Heron
Redbilled blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha) 红嘴蓝鹊 是大型鸦类,体长54-65厘米。嘴、脚红色,头、颈、喉和胸黑色,头顶至后颈有一块白色至淡蓝白色或紫灰色块斑,其余上体紫蓝灰色或淡蓝灰褐色。尾长呈凸状具黑色亚端斑和白色端斑。下体白色。 黄嘴蓝鹊外形和羽色和该种非常相似,但黄嘴蓝鹊嘴为黄色,头部仅枕有白色块斑。区别仍很明显,野外不难识别。
Common mime ( Papilio clytia ) 斑凤蝶
Common mime ( Papilio clytia ) 斑凤蝶
Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) 澤鷸 小型涉禽,体长19-26厘米。嘴长,相当纤细,直而尖。颜色为黑色,基部绿灰色,脚细长,暗灰绿色或黄绿色。夏季上体灰褐色具黑色斑,腰白色并向下呈楔形延伸。下体白色,颈胸具细的黑色纵纹。冬季上体浅灰色具细窄的白色羽缘,下体白色,颈侧和胸具灰褐色纵纹。尾羽上有黑褐色横斑。前颈和胸有黑褐色细纵纹。飞翔时腰和尾部的白色与黑色的翅形成明显对比,细长的腿远远伸出于腿外,野外容易辨认。
Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) 澤鷸
Black-winged stilt  (Himantopus himantopus) 黑翅长脚鹬:雌鸟
Whimbrel  (Numenius phaeopus) 中杓鹬:体重315-475克,体长384-455毫米。中型涉禽,眉纹色浅,具黑色顶纹,基部淡褐色或肉色,嘴黑色、细长而向下弯曲呈弧状;头、颈淡褐色具黑色纵纹;头顶具乳黄色中央冠纹,头两侧具黑色侧冠纹,眉纹皮黄色。背黑褐色具皮黄色和白色斑纹。下体淡褐色,胸具黑褐色纵纹,两胁具黑褐色横斑。飞翔时可见腰和尾上覆羽白色。虹膜黑褐色、嘴黑褐色,细长而向下弯曲,基部淡褐色或肉色,脚蓝灰色或青灰色。
Little egret
Common Sandpiper  (Actitis hypoleucos) 矶鹬是鸟纲、鹬科的小型类,体长16-22厘米。嘴、脚均较短,嘴暗褐色,脚淡黄褐色具白色眉纹和黑色过眼纹。上体黑褐色,下体白色,并沿胸侧向背部延伸,翅折叠时在翼角前方形成显著的白斑,飞翔时明显可见尾两边的白色横斑和翼上宽阔的白色翼带,飞翔姿势两翅朝下扇动,身体呈弓状,站立时不住地点头、摆尾。
Grey Heron
Pond Heron