Day hike to Kung Um Shan 11-30-20

Day hike to Kung Um Shan 11-30-20 公庵山 一天遊
pitcher plant 猪笼草 on the side of the trail
洪福村, 天水围
Wetland plants
Follow the blue ribbon up the steep trail
Lam Tei 藍地
Rut in the trail caused by dirt bikes
The creek with running water, amazing that there has been little or no rain for months.
Lam Tei 藍地
樂仙蜻蜓 Trithemis festiva black stream glider
Black stream glider
Orthetrum sabina, the slender skimmer or green marsh hawk 狭腹灰蜻
Tai Tong 大棠 , 元朗
公庵山 Kung Um Shan
Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius)  斐豹蛱蝶
To Tai Mo Shan
From Shenzhen
Grid network

公庵山(Kung Um Shan),又称297山或297号山,是香港新界西北部的一座山峰,位于元朗区洪水桥东南、大棠西北,海拔297米。
圆头山 海拔高度375米
尚築 Domus
Some kind of construction project
4X4 roam here
Climbing wall

Sanctions on four Americans

Chinese FM announced sanctions on four Americans as countermeasures against earlier US sanctions on Chinese officials over Hong Kong, including NED senior director John Knaus and NDI regional director Manpreet Anand, Rosario, Director of the Hong Kong Chapter, and Xue De-Oo, Director of Programs and urged US to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs. 中方决定对在涉港问题上表现恶劣的美国国家民族基金会亚洲事务高级主任约翰·克劳斯,美国国际事务民主协会亚洲项目负责人阿南德、香港分部主任罗萨里奥、项目主任薛德敖等4人实施制裁。

Chicken must die

China’s imports from Australia down 4.9% from Jan-Nov amid trade, political tussles: customs figures

China imposes swingeing tariffs on Australian wine in ‘devastating blow’ to exporters,

  • 12-10-20 China’s Ministry of Commerce said it would impose anti_subsidy tariffs on Australian wine on Friday – nearly two weeks after China imposed anti-dumping tariffs against Aussie wine.
  • 12-12-20 A list of alleged 41 Chinese-owned Australian wineries sparks a new boycott wave over Chinese goods.

China’s crackdown on Australian coal imports sends prices sliding

Australian barley hits 3-year low amid friction with Beijing, WTO action ‘the next step’ for Canberra over Beijing’s barley duties

China slaps new ban on Aussie beef

  • 12-8-20 China has suspended imports from Australian beef supplier Meramist Pty Ltd, the sixth supplier to face such a move in Australia this year amid deteriorating trade ties.
  • 12-14-20 Australia’s mutton export to China was hit hard by global pandemic and worsening ties with China, with an importer saying imports have plunged 90% in recent months.

Tonnes of Australian lobsters stuck in Chinese airports amid trade tensions

Rumoured Chinese import suspensions spark wool concern

China’s Australian copper ban seen hurting smelters in TC/RCs talks

  • China imported about 26,700 tons of copper concentrate from Australia in November this year, down 34% from October and 77.8% from November last year, the lowest monthly import volume since April this year.

Sour China-Australia ties hit talks over LNG deal, says Woodside

Victorian timber log exports blocked from entering China due to bark beetle

  • China has suspended log imports from Australia’s Tasmania and South Australia from December 3 after pests were discovered, said the General Administration of Customs on Monday.
  • 12-11-20 China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) has suspended log imports from Australia’s New South Wales and Western Australia, according to a notice issued by the GAC on Thursday.

Iron ore, Australian iron ore is high quality and consistent, cannot find an alternative from Brazil (too expensive), India (too small), Russia (too backward) yet.

Chinese students in Australia leave as coronavirus upends study

Chinese homebuyers shun Australian market as coronavirus, political tensions take toll

Australia could lose all Chinese tourists post-COVID-19 this year if safety issue not addressed: industrial insider

  • 5-6-21 Proclamation of the National Development and Reform Commission of the Peoples Republic of China on the Indefinite Suspension of All Activities under China-australia Strategic Economic Dialogue

Scale of China’s Wuhan Shutdown Is Believed to Be Without Precedent

Biden coronavirus advisor says 6-week national shutdown could save US economy

Coronavirus: Biden rules out ‘national shutdown,’ opts for face mask mandate

Bird flu fears grow after spate of mysterious UK swan deaths A spate of baffling swan deaths is strongly suspected to be caused by a virulent new strain of avian flu sweeping across Britain.

Dying swans were found spinning in circles and discharging blood from their nostrils on Ulverston canal, Cumbria. Swan rescuers have taken in more than 25 dying birds in Worcestershire and nine swans were found dead in Stanley Park, Blackpool. Postmortem examinations have confirmed that six black swans and cygnets that died in Dawlish, Devon, had contracted the latest strain of bird flu, H5N8.

Shanghai the world’s largest international air travel hub

The coronavirus pandemic has reshuffled the international air travel market, and Shanghai has replaced London as the world’s largest hub, the latest report released by the International Air Transport Association showed.

Shanghai is now the top-ranked city for connectivity with the top four most connected cities all in China – Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chengdu. 

The report said London, the world’s number one most-connected city in September 2019, has seen a 67 percent decline in connectivity. By September 2020, it had fallen to number eight. The report also said New York (-66 percent fall in connectivity), Tokyo (-65 percent), Bangkok (-81 percent), Hong Kong (-81 percent) and Seoul (-69 percent) have all exited the top ten.  

Day trip to Lung Kwu Tan, Tuen Mun 11-27-20

龍鼓灘, 青山灣海濱長廊 一天遊 11-27-20
Hung Lau 中山公園 蝴蝶站 Like a garbage dump, Sun Wen would be rolling in his grave.
Castle Peak Transmitting Station 青山發射站
K52 bus 港鐵巴士(新界西北)屯門站至龍鼓灘
天后古廟 天恩廣佈 后德宏施
Lung Kwu Tan Chinese White Dolphin Lookout 龍鼓灘中華白海豚瞭望臺
都是 坟墓
北朗 Pak Long
Great cormorants
Great cormorants
Castle Peak Power Station 青山發電廠採用燃煤發電,當中兩台機組亦可採用燃氣作輔助發電。發電廠由青山發電有限公司擁有,該公司是中華電力有限公司(70%)及南方電網國際(香港)有限公司(30%)共同擁有的合營企業,而電廠由中電負責營運。
龍鼓灘沙灘 沙埔崗 Sha Po Kong
大群鸬鹚 (1500+)
Castle Peak Bay 青山湾
Castle Peak Bay 青山湾
Castle Peak Bay Waterfront Promenade 青山灣海濱長廊
青山龙鼓滩 12-4-17