Free Meng Wanzhou

World Beyond War Screw JT.
In anticipation of the second anniversary of her arrest, join our online panel discussion to Free Meng Wanzhou, unjustly incarcerated by the Trudeau government at the request of the Trump Administration. You’ll learn more from Canadian experts about her legal case, deteriorating relations with China, and the rise of Sinophobia in Canada – plus what you can do about it.

Giant panda birth in Japan

The giant panda Liang Bang’s birth to her baby cub in Japan marked the first time the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding has cooperated with overseas zoos online to help pandas give birth.

A new bishop ordained in Qingdao

Msgr Thomas Chen Tianhao, 58, is the new bishop of Qingdao (Shandong).

A new bishop was ordained in a Catholic cathedral in Qingdao, Shandong on Mon, marking the first bishop consecration being publicly reported after China and Vatican announced the renewal of their agreement on bishop appointments.

Out of Proverty

The last 9 of 832 national-level poor counties in China were taken off the poverty list on Monday, realizing the country’s poverty alleviation goal on schedule in 2020.