Mark Esper on the way out, a big rat flushed

Defense Secretary Mark Esper has prepared a letter of resignation, according to three current defense officials. Defense officials say Esper prepared his letter because he is one of the Cabinet officials long expected to be pushed out after the election.

  • 11-10, Trump announced on Twitter Monday that he has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and that Christopher Miller, who serves as director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will become acting secretary “effective immediately.”
  • 10-27, Esper and Pompeo sought to play on Indian suspicions about China to shore up a regional front against increasing Chinese assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region. They also lauded joint cooperation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. In talks with their Indian counterparts, Esper and Pompeo signed an agreement expanding military satellite information sharing and highlighted strategic cooperation between Washington and New Delhi with an eye toward countering China. The two men paid tribute to Indian troops killed in defense of their country, including 20 who died earlier this year in an incident with China.
  • 10-21, Esper said the Pentagon would systematically monitor and manage its relationships with partner countries, aiming to find ways to coordinate militaries and also to advance US arms sales. The initiative, called the Guidance for Development for Alliances and Partnerships(GDAP), came just two weeks before the presidential election that, if President Donald Trump loses, could see Esper replaced in January. It also came after nearly four years of Trump’s efforts to restructure and even dismantle alliances, including threatening NATO.
  • 10-16, Speaking at a webinar organised by a think-tank Heritage Foundation on Thursday, Esper said he has directed the National Defense University to refocus its curriculum by dedicating 50 per cent of the coursework to China by academic year 2021. ”Today our strategic competitors China and Russia, are attempting to erode our hard-earned gains as they undermine international rules and norms and use coercion against other nations for their own benefit,” Esper said.
  • 9-16, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Wednesday that while China has more ships, it’ll be a while before it can match the power of the US Navy. “I want to make clear that China cannot match the United States when it comes to naval power,” Esper explained at a RAND Corporation event. “Even if we stopped building new ships, it would take the [People’s Republic of China] years to close the gap when it comes to our capability on the high seas,” he said. “Ship numbers are important, but they don’t tell the whole story.” “They do not address the types of ships and the capabilities of the vessels being counted; the skill of the crews that operate them; the prowess of the officers that lead them; or the ways in which we fight and sustain them,” the secretary said.
  • 8-27, US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper has called on countries to work with the United States to more effectively counter China in the Indo-Pacific, saying the region has become an epicentre of power competition with Beijing. In an address on Wednesday in Hawaii, Esper said the US defence department was increasingly focused on China as a threat in the Indo-Pacific and globally, in response to what he described as Beijing’s undermining of the international order and aggressive modernisation of its People’s Liberation Army. The US strategy would include strengthening alliances, bolstering US military capabilities and expanding a network of like-minded partners, he said. “The Indo-Pacific is the epicentre of a great power competition with China,” he said. “We’re not going to cede this region – an inch of ground, if you will – to another country, any other country that thinks their form of government, their views on human rights, their views on sovereignty, their views on freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, all those things, that somehow that’s better than what many of us share.”

Day trip to Cheung Chau 11-4-20

新辉叁 First Ferry III
新辉捌 First Ferry VIII
新辉捌 First Ferry VIII
新辉捌 First Ferry VIII
新兴 海傍路
长贵邨Cheung Kwai Estate)是香港的一个公共屋邨,项目编号RH01,位于新界离岛区长洲长贵路31号,共有18座第一代乡村型公屋,依山而建,主要分两大类单位,露台走廊式就主要提供面积约23 m2(250 sq ft)的小型单位;而一梯两伙式则主要提供可间隔成两至三睡房、面积约42 m2(450 sq ft)的大单位。
Trump election

Victoria Harbour 11-3-20

Avenue of stars, Central Ferry Piers. Hong Kong 11 3 20
Hong Kong Museum of Art to host the city’s first-ever exhibition of Sandro Botticelli. The collection on loan from the Uffizi Gallery to the Hong Kong Museum of Art primarily focuses on Botticelli’s small- and medium-sized works.
The Hong Kong Observation Wheel ( HKOW) is a 60-metre (197-foot) tall Ferris wheel located at the Central Harbourfront, Central, Hong Kong. It has 42 gondolas including one VIP Gondola with leather seats and a clear glass bottom floor. All gondolas are equipped with air conditioners and communication systems. Each ride included two to three spins and takes about 15 minutes. Each gondola can seat a maximum of eight people, other than the VIP Gondola which can seat 5 people.
Star Ferry 11 3 20
Hung Hum Bypass

Tai Mo Shan Mountain Park 11-2-20

大帽山一天遊 11-2-20
#51 上村(循環線) Sheung Tsuen (Circular) (32 stops)
如心廣場總站 Nina Tower Bus Terminus
大河道 Tai Ho Road, 1 Kai Chi Close,
荃灣站 Tsuen Wan Station
西樓角路 Sai Lau Kok Road,
白田壩村 Pak Tin Pa Tsuen
光板田村一段 Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen Section 1
光板田村二段 Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen Section 2
曹公潭戶外康樂中心 Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Rec. Centre
下花山村 Ha Fa Shan Tsuen
大橋村 Tai Kiu Tsuen
川龍 Chuen Lung
新開田村 San Hoi Tin Tsuen
郊野公園 Country Park
荃錦公路觀景台 Viewing Point (Route Twisk)
石崗村 Shek Kong Village
石崗軍營 Shek Kong Camp
雷公田村 Lui Kung Tin Tsuen
石崗 Shek Kong
上村總站 Sheung Tsuen B/T
石崗 Shek Kong
雷公田村 Lui Kung Tin Tsuen
石崗軍營 Shek Kong Camp
石崗村 Shek Kong Village
郊野公園 Country Park, MacLehose Trail,
川龍 Chuen Lung
大橋村 Tai Kiu Tsuen
光板田村四段 Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen Section 4
曹公潭戶外康樂中心 Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Rec. Centre
光板田村二段 Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen Section 2
光板田村一段 Kwong Pan Tin Tsuen Section 1
木棉下村 Muk Min Ha Tsuen
荃灣站 Tsuen Wan Station
西樓角路 Sai Lau Kok Road, Hong Kong S.A.R.
如心廣場總站 Nina Tower Bus Terminus
Rotary Park
Visitors Center
大帽山 +957m
Tai Mo Shan Weather Radar Station大帽山天氣雷達站
Shek Kong 石岗一带主要分成两部分:以石岗为名的主要地点包括西北部分的石岗军营、石岗新村、石岗菜园村;以及东南部分沿荃锦公路近雷公田的石岗军营、石岗村,由于此区曾经为英军军营及军事重地,区内有九条街道以英格兰的郡作为名称。
禾塘岗 +702m viewpoint
禾塘岗 +702m

Shek Kong 石崗
麥理浩徑 Section 8
Sze Lok Yuen 施樂園 香港地勢最高的青年旅舍 Some film production is taking place here.
灰胸木蜂, Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa phalothorax
Tai Mo Shan Weather Radar Station

Hong Kong Wetland Park 11-1-20

Too many noisy kids and adults in the weekend, driving the birds away. Managed to spot a black drongo
(Dicrurus macrocercus) 黑卷尾 from a distance.

香港湿地公园Hong Kong Wetland Park)位于香港新界天水围北部。占地61公顷,包括60公顷的户外保护区及10,000平方米(110,000平方呎)的室内展馆。湿地公园原本只是一片普通的湿地。政府在发展天水围新市镇的同时,打算用这片土地来重新改造发展时失去的有生态价值的土地。