昂坪位于香港新界大屿山西南部,凤凰山山腰之上的一个高地,因为是香港观光景点之一的天坛大佛及宝莲寺的所在地而广为人知。Ngong Ping ( 昂坪 ) is a highland in the mid-western part of Lantau Island, Hong Kong. It locates Po Lin Monastery and Tian Tan Buddha(34 m tall). There are several peaks nearby which attract hikers. It is the terminus of the cable car ride Ngong Ping 360 which travels from Tung Chung. Tourist traps like the Ngong Ping Village, Walking with the Buddha, the Monkey’s Tale Theatre and Ngong Ping Tea House. A youth hostel is located near the monastery. The second highest peak of Hong Kong, Lantau Peak, is at its southeast.#23 bus has 38 stops departing from 東涌達東路巴士總站 Tung Chung Tat Tung Road B/T and ending in 昂坪 Ngong Ping. Very busy in the morning. $2 fare for seniors. Located at the end of the Tung Chung MTR line, Citygate is the largest outlet mall in Hong Kong. Ngong Ping Village, a tourist trapNgong Ping Village, a major tourist trapNgong Ping VillageBus terminal outside the VillageA fake tree for making wishesLots of shops that sell junksNgong Ping 360 cablecars. Local residents can enjoy a free ride on Standard Cabin Cable Car (Round Trip) on their birthday by presenting valid Hong Kong Identity Card. 彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan +751m , one of my next hikesLantau Peak凤凰山 +934m , second highest peak of Hong Kong, one of my next hikesFuture two peak hikes.Buddha under maintenanceStray cattle 莲池寺于1921年兴建,式如长老是开山祖师, 蓮池寺高兩層,頂層為無量壽殿,用作供奉釋迦牟尼佛,底層則為觀音殿。蓮池寺雖與天壇大佛及寶蓮寺同位於大嶼山,但蓮池寺作風低調,故知名度遠遜二者,反之更為適合靜修,不少佛教道場和禪修團體俱借用蓮池寺作修行之用。 莲池寺 洛伽自在 《华严经》载:“于此地方有山,名补怛洛迦,彼有菩萨,名观自在。 莲池寺 式如长老莲池寺 莲池寺 http://www.fjnet.com/shxx/shxxnr/201003/t20100303_149027.htm 都是骗财的Ngong Ping 360 cablecars A 5.5km cable car line Ngong Ping 360 cablecars from Tung Chung 鳳凰山位於大嶼山,海拔高度934米,是香港第二高的山峰,僅次於大帽山。雖然如此,登鳳凰山比大帽山難度更高,而且鳳凰山是一般人可到達的香港最高山峰。這裡更是觀賞日出和雲海的熱門地點,故有「鳳凰觀日」之稱。觀賞日出的人通常會在深夜由伯公坳作起點,經鳳凰徑第三段登山。 268 steps宝莲禅寺宝莲禅寺 彌勒菩薩 宝莲禅寺 釋迦牟尼佛,藥師如來佛與阿彌陀佛 韋馱殿 宝莲禅寺万佛殿万佛殿 北京的官式宮殿形式 北京的官式宮殿形式 天壇大佛 34m high 彌勒山座落於大嶼山昂平,海拔751米,是香港的第八高山峰,處於鳳凰山之西北,大嶼山寶蓮禪寺以北,連接著東涌及昂坪360索道。 鳳凰山位於大嶼山,海拔高度934米