China will not recognize BNO for Hong Kong residents from 1-31-21

1-29-21 If Hong Kong residents choose to hold the BNO passport, they have to abandon the HKSAR passport, China bans BNOs holders from traveling to China, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

“From January 31, China will no longer recognise the so-called BNO passport as a travel document and ID document, and reserves the right to take further actions,” foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.

Remote Sensing 31 Group 02 satellite

11-29-21 At 12:47, China successfully launched the Remote Sensing 31 Group 02 satellite with a Long March 4C carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and the satellite entered the predetermined orbit. The satellites are mainly used to carry out electromagnetic environment detection and related technology tests.

Sinovac vaccine arrived in Chile

The first batch of nearly 2 million doses of COVID19 vaccine from Chinese company Sinovac arrived in Chile on Thursday. The vaccine obtained emergency use authorization in Chile on January 20.