Gene-editing therapy clinical trial

1-19-21 China’s drug authority approved China’s first gene-editing therapy clinical trial . The approved gene-editing product et-01 , developed by Edigene Inc. 博雅辑因(北京)科技有限公司 , a Zhongguancun biomedical enterprise in Beijing, was for blood transfusion dependent β – thalassemia 地中海型贫血.

100 tln yuan

China’s GDP topped 100 tln yuan for first time, reaching 101.59 tln yuan with 2.3% y-o-y expansion in 2020, said NBS official on Mon. It is estimated to account for 17% of global total for the year, with China expected to become only major economy with positive growth in 2020.

Day hike to Yuen Tau Shan 1-8-21

圆头山一天遊 1-18-21
圆头山一天遊 1-18-21
View from Hung Tsui Kiu
靈渡寺 3-7-18 Yuen Long 元朗厦村鄉 香港三大古剎之一
靈渡寺 旁 Trailhead
1-11-21 山火後 一星期前的山火
After the wildfire
Trail to the top
Steep trail
Steep trail
End of trail
Helicopter pad for air ambulance

First migrant caravans of 2021 depart for US

During his first days in office, President-elect Joe Biden plans to send a groundbreaking legislative package to Congress to address the long-elusive goal of immigration reform, including what’s certain to be a controversial centerpiece: a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status.
Under Biden’s plan, immigrants would become eligible for legal permanent residence after five years and for U.S. citizenship after an additional three years — a faster path to citizenship than in previous immigration bills.

The largest two-dimensional map of the universe ever released, including 2 billion objects

1-14-21, National Astronomical Observatory Beijing-Arizona BASS survey team and the Dark Energy Spectral Survey DESI International Collaboration Project team jointly released the latest giant two-dimensional sky map of the universe. This is the largest cosmic sky map obtained by human measurement so far. 200 researchers from all over the world have spent 6 years on joint observation and data analysis, covering 20,000 square degrees of the sky, which is about half the area of the whole celestial sphere, accommodating 10 trillion digital pixels and containing 2 billion celestial objects.

China’s quantum communication network

China’s hack-proof quantum communication technology is “primarily ready” for practical use after a 4,600km (2,858 mile) network was put through two years of experimental service, researchers announced.
When fully developed, quantum communication can be applied in fields such as finance, defence, government administration and electronic information, according to scientists. This network consisted of the Micius satellite – the world’s first quantum communication satellite launched in 2016 – and more than 700 optical fibres covering 2,000km and connecting 32 nodes across four provinces and three municipalities in China. It was completed in 2017 and has realised communication up to a distance of 4,600km.