0:26 英国佬的伏笔, 南亞假难民 5:48 观音山顶 8:30 嘉道理兄弟紀念亭 11:35 赤麂观音山 , 嘉道理農場暨植物園 一天遊锦上路地铁站 – 观音山锦上路地铁站八乡吳家村八乡元岗新村八乡元岗村观音山 – 荃锦公路八乡上村大刀屻 – 林锦野郊公园嘉道理農場暨植物園嘉道理農場暨植物園彩虹徑彩虹亭世界主要城市指示牌Pavamana Mantra: From the unreal lead me to reality, from Darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to the immortal.胡挺生先生紀念亭 胡挺生先生為第一位幫助創立本園現今外貌的經理,龍鳳柱龍鳳柱龍鳳柱大帽山觀音觀音大埔, 船湾, 船湾淡水湖550米的觀音山頂峰山中一處小叢林內有四個氣洞,稱為「熱氣洞」,持續無休地釋出暖氣。熱氣的來源仍是一個謎,估計來自地下深處,或由於炎熱的夏天高溫儲藏在山內,其後慢慢釋放之故。 在寒冷潮濕的冬日,熱氣洞內之暖氣從洞口飄出時遇到冷冽濕潤的空氣,有時會凝結成霧氣飄盪在半空,為本來平靜的山頭增添神秘,此現象被稱為「龍的氣息」。八乡, 石岗八乡, 石岗嘉道理兄弟紀念亭觀音山頂峰觀音山頂峰嘉道理兄弟紀念亭 賀理士爵士及羅蘭士勳爵嘉道理兄弟紀念亭 此亭建於1997年,以紀念本園創辦人賀理士爵士及羅蘭士勳爵。嘉道理兄弟紀念亭觀音山頂峰觀音山頂峰嘉道理兄弟紀念亭Adhere and Prosper Michael Kadoori’s Hong Kong-based company, CLP Holdings, which in 2007 pledged to reduce the carbon intensity of its electricity production by more than 75 percent by 2050. To do this, CLP decreases its carbon intensity per kilowatt of electricity generated by more than three quarters. The CO2 emissions intensity of its generating portfolio is targeted to fall from the 2007 level of 840 grams of CO2 for every kilowatt of electricity to 600 grams by 2020, and 200 grams by 2050. By 2012, the company had taken the share of its electricity generated by renewable energy from less than 1 percent in 2004 to 20 percent with a series of investments ranging from wind farms in India to a solar farm in Thailand to a cotton-waste-burning biomass facility in China. By the next year, 2013, it had become the largest foreign investor in renewable energy in China as well as the largest wind energy developer in India.觀音山頂峰 紀念亭的雙頂設計,象徵兩人深厚的手足情誼。Jews connection1950年代,嘉道理農業輔助會(KAAA)開始在大帽山北坡畜養家畜的時候,山坡上幾乎見不到什麼樹木。接下來的幾十年間,種植了大量果樹和速生樹種,如台灣相思(Acacia confusa)、濕地鬆(Pinus elliottii)、澳洲堅果(Macadamia ternifolia)、龍眼(Dimocarpus longan)、荔枝(Litchi chinensis)和波羅蜜(Artocarpus heterophyllus)等。林村谷粉嶺南马鞍山凌霄徑大埔凌霄徑凌霄徑大刀屻大刀屻大刀屻花崗岩擎天石柱,本來是守護著中環前郵政總局的門柱,1976年由抗戰英雄梁潤昌先生捐贈予嘉道理農場暨植物園後移放於此。梁先生是賀理士嘉道理爵士的摯友,當年郵政總局拆卸後,他成功從拆卸工程公司取回四支大圓柱,贈予賀理士嘉道理爵士。花崗岩擎天石柱大刀屻嘉道理農場暨植物園嘉道理農場暨植物園嘉道理農場暨植物園嘉道理農場暨植物園Hong Kong’s own barking deer , or Muntjac (Muntiacus vaginalis) 赤麂