Day visit Central 3-22-21

0:05 Bank of China Tower, 0:47 Charter Garden, 2:30 IFC Roof Garden, 2:42 Central–Mid-Levels escalator and walkway system, 16:57 Jamia Mosque, 17:59 Shelley Street escalator, 18:13 Escalator upgrade, 20:06 Adult store, 20:33 Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts, 22:46 Street mural, 23:17 New restaurant opening
Bank of China Tower 中银大厦
中银大厦 花园道一号
Central Government Offices 政府總部, Standard Chartered , Lippo Centre 力宝中心
Bank of China Tower, Cheung Kong Centre, Fairmont House
Cheung Kong Centre, Bank of Ching Building, HSBC in behind
Chater Garden 遮打花園
The Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港特別行政區終審法院(The Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region),簡稱香港終審法院(Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal)或終院,是香港特別行政區法庭制度內的最高上訴法院[1],相當於其他國家的最高法院。終審法院聆訊來自香港高等法院(包括上訴法庭及原訟法庭)的民事及刑事上訴案件,對香港司法管轄權範圍內的訴訟有最終審判權,根據香港基本法,全國人大常委會對基本法有最終解釋權,故並無完全的違憲審查權力。
Statue Square 皇后广场 in front, Mandarin Oriental文華東方酒店, Jardine House 怡和大厦, IFC, Hong Kong City Hall
HSBC the rotten Bank that siphoned billions from HK for UK
?, One Exchange Square, IFC, Jardine House 怡和大厦
Central – Wan Chai Bypass Tunnel 中環灣仔繞道
Central Ferry Piers
West Kowloon
Shelley Street escalator upgrade. The Central–Mid-Levels escalator and walkway system in Hong Kong is the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world. The system covers over 800 m (2,600 ft) in distance and traverses an elevation of over 135 m (443 ft) from bottom to top.
Shelley Street
Shelley Street
Jamia Mosque 些利街清真寺,又稱回教清真禮拜總堂,位於香港島中環半山區些利街30號,些利街和摩羅廟街的交界。該寺為香港最古老的清真寺,反映香港殖民地時代穆斯林的歷史,也象徵了香港宗教文化的多元性。
1915 rebuild by Haji Mohamed Essack Elias of Bombay
Gate at Shelley Street
Expensive real estate
What is a few million?
Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts 大館-古蹟及藝術館
Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts 大館-古蹟及藝術館
Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts 大館-古蹟及藝術館 Parade Ground, Police Headquarters Block. Hong Kong government just has too much money to burn 人蠢钱多.. The best use should be a public market.
Police Headquarters Block
Shark fin = Small penis
British legacy – Peter Fitzroy Godber ( 葛柏) (born 7 April 1922) was a Chief Superintendent of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, serving as Deputy District Commander of Kowloon, Hong Kong. Embroiled in a bribery scandal shortly before his retirement in 1973, he fled to the United Kingdom. He was apprehended in 1974 by British police and extradited back to Hong Kong and subsequently convicted for police corruption and bribery. Godber was sentenced to four years in prison with HK$25,000 in restitution.
Colonial symbol
Former Site of Victoria Prison 域多利監獄
Prison Yard
Prison Yard
Prison Yard
Former police headquarter
#46 Ding Ding Tram

“Spring sprout vaccine” program

China to launch program to inoculate overseas Chinese, introduce heath certificate for global travel.

50 countries have already included Chinese nationals into their vaccination plans, and many Chinese nationals overseas are also getting vaccine jabs in other countries according to law. 

China is also planning to set up stations for administering Chinese vaccines in countries “equipped with conditions,” in order to provide inoculation services for Chinese nationals in nearby countries.