Qinghai-Tibet Plateau summer rainfall in next 2-10 years can be predicted

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau summer rainfall for the next two to 10 years can be predicted by climate models, according to a new study by Chinese scientists, revealing the predictability of decadal variations of the plateau’s summer rainfall for the first time. 

Chinese scientists are also working on predicting the average summer rainfall of the Himalayan region in the next 10 years using climate models, and will share the data with South Asian nations including India for reference and preparations for possible extreme climate events. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1225898.shtml

Deep Sea No 1

The world’s first 100,000-ton deep-sea semi-submersible oil production and storage platform, China’s self-developed “Deep Sea No 1” energy station, will provide stable gas supplies of 3b cubic meters annually for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plus Hainan island.
