China launches new mapping satellite with Long March-2D carrier rocket


China Lecture for Sherman












Yuan becomes No.3 global currency

The yuan internationalization index reached 5.02 at the end of 2020, a sharp increase of 54.2 percent from the previous year, making it No.3 among international currencies. The rate exceeded the internationalization levels of the yen and pound, according to the 2021 RMB Internationalization Report released by the International Monetary Institute (IMI) under Renmin University of China on Saturday.

China Bans For-Profit Tutoring

New regulations on the education sector:

  • Companies and institutions that teach the school curriculum must go non-profit
  • Such institutions cannot pursue IPOs, or take foreign capital
  • Listed companies will be prohibited from issuing stock or raising money in capital markets to invest in school-subject tutoring institutions, or acquiring their assets via stock or cash
  • Foreign firms are banned from acquiring or holding shares in school curriculum tutoring institutions, or using VIEs (variable interest entities) to do so. Those already in violation need to rectify the situation
  • All vacation and holiday cirriculum tutoring is off-limits
  • Online tutoring and school-curriculum teaching for kids below six years of age is forbidden
  • Agencies cannot teach foreign curriculums

China to impose reciprocal sanctions against 6 US individuals, 1 entity China imposes sanctions against former US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Louis Ross, Chairman of US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) Carolyn Bartholomew, former Staff Director of Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) Jonathan Stivers, DoYun Kim at National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, senior program manager of the International Republican Institute (IRI) Adam Joseph King, China Director at Human Rights Watch Sophie Richardson, and Hong Kong Democratic Council.  

Wilbur Louis Ross
Carolyn Bartholomew
Jonathan Stivers
Sophie Richardson

Probe Fort Detrick–Q

1. What was the reason for the closure of the Fort Detrick base?

2. What exactly is the purpose of the more than 200 biological laboratories deployed by the U.S. around the world?

3. Is it a coincidence that the epidemic exercise Crimson Contagion coincided highly with the spread of the epidemic or was it another “script”?

4. How many of the “flu patients” across the U.S. are infected with COVID?

5. What are the names of the Wuhan lab personnels who were hospitalized in November 2019 as reported by the U.S. media?

6. The U.S. says it started developing a vaccine for COVID on January 11, 2020, where did the strain come from?

7. Why did the U.S. place a gag order on the virus scientists?

8、Why does the U.S. repeatedly ignore the virus traceability research results of the world scientific community?

9, Why is the U.S. “double investigation” of the origin of the COVID carried out by the intelligence services?

At least 25 dead as rains deluge central China’s Henan province

7-23-21 Death toll in HenanFloods climbs to 51 in Zhengzhou; 400,000 people have been evacuated. Direct economic loss amounted to 65.5 billion yuan (about $10.11 bln)

7-20-21 At least 25 people have died in China’s flood-stricken central province of Henan, a dozen of them in a subway line in its capital Zhengzhou, and more rains are forecast for the region.