China’s ‘common prosperity’ goal to evenly distribute wealth

China must now gear towards a system that more fairly looks after those who are not yet wealthy after the early development of the national economy lifted the country out of poverty and created millionaires, President Xi Jinping said, laying out his plans by defining “common prosperity” for the first time.

At a key economic leadership meeting on Tuesday, Chinese leaders agreed China must pursue a goal of so-called common prosperity where people share in the opportunity to be wealthy as the main objective for the next stage of its development, while stressing the need for an airtight economy which allows for that smoothing out of wealth.

Biden To Host World Leaders At ‘Summit For Democracy’

Biden will be bringing world leaders together for a virtual “Summit for Democracy” in December, the White House announced Wednesday, part of the administration’s efforts to tackle authoritarianism, fight corruption and advance human rights. Upping the game to encircle China and Russia. Who will be invited to form the pact? Taiwan is on the list.

Afghan national flag

The Taliban intends to replace the Afghan national flag with their white banner bearing the Shahada “La ilah ila Allah, Mohammad rasoul Allah” (There is no god but God and Muhammad is God’s messenger) after retaking the country on Sunday.

Tianhui-II-02 satellite atop Long March-4B

China clocked its 29th orbital launch for 2021. On August 18 (Eastern Time) China launched a Long March/Chang Zheng-4B from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi Province carrying the second group of Tianhui 2 satellites into orbit.