Completion of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System

A ceremony marking the completion of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System BDS-3 was held at the Great Hall of the People. Check out a brief history of China’s global navigation system decades in the making.

China aims to make the application of the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS) the best among all other navigation systems, and be more inclusive to provide value-added services including short messaging, satellite based augmentation and international search-and-rescue services, the spokesperson of BDS and director general of China Satellite Navigation Office Ran Chengqi said Monday. 

So far, BDS has been applied in industries such as transportation, public security, disaster relief, farming and urban governance, as well as being integrated into China’s key basic infrastructure construction including electricity, finance and telecom, Ran said at a press briefing Monday in Beijing.

In particular, BDS-based high-precision applications played a positive role in China’s fights against COVID-19 and the recent flooding in southern China. BDS has been applied in China-Europe freight train transportation, the construction and operation of high-speed trains between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, North China’s Hebei Province as well as civil aviation, Ran said. 

“We will further promote the integration of BDS with newly emerging technologies, such as 5G, mobile communication, big data and the mobile internet, which will create new economic growth points,” Ran said.

Chinese leaders launched the full global service of the BeiDou-3 on Friday. BDS is China’s largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, alongside the US’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo.

BeiDou is able to tell others where the user is located, a strong advantage compared with GPS, Huang Haihui, vice president of the UniStrong Science & Technology Co, told the Global Times Monday.

This application is particularly useful in search and rescue missions that can return a feedback to the people calling for help, Huang cited the example of obtaining the location of oceangoing vessels when they are in distress.

“This is China’s own system meaning it’s independently controllable, so there is no need to worry about the navigation usage in some special areas such as national defense,” he noted. 

Ran said that more than 500 types of equipment components have been made in China and the domestic production rate of the BDS-3’s key components is 100 percent.

BDS’ global positioning accuracy is better than 10 meters, with a timing accuracy better than 20 nanoseconds, and its performance in the Asia-Pacific region is even better.

Both satellite distribution and the number of BeiDou satellites gives it an advantage in accuracy, stability, reliability and usability, Huang said, adding that wider applications for BeiDou could be in precision farming and autonomous driving at port wharfs.

The output of China’s satellite navigation and location-based services industry has been growing more than 20 percent annually on average, reaching 345 billion yuan ($49.47 billion) in 2019, and is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020, Ran said.

BDS and navigation-relate shares surged on Monday, with UniStrong and BDStar Navigation gaining by the daily 10 percent limit.  

Australian researchers say solar-to-hydrogen efficiency improved to new record

Researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) recently said that they had achieved “a new efficiency record” for hydrogen cells that can convert water into hydrogen simply using sunlight.

Co-author Shen Heping, who develops perovskite cells, shows a part of the cell in the lab of Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia, July 15, 2020. Researchers at the ANU recently said that they had achieved “a new efficiency record” for hydrogen cells that can convert water into hydrogen simply using sunlight. 

The approach outlined in the ANU study used inexpensive semiconductor materials and resulted in a 17.6 percent solar-to-hydrogen efficiency, according to the researchers.

Dianne Feinstein Lauds China as a ‘Respectable Nation’ in Senate Committee Hearing

“We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time, and as a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations,” Feinstein said, in comments first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. “I deeply believe that.”

Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from California. She took office on November 4, 1992. A member of the Democratic Party, Feinstein was Mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988.

HK LegCo election postponed a year, gets central govt support

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Friday that due to the current severe COVID-19 situation in the city, the Legislative Council (LegCo) election scheduled for September has been postponed to September 5 next year. Experts and local lawmakers said the decision prioritizes public health and aims to ensure fairness in the election.

Lam announced the decision at a press conference on Friday, saying that it was not made for political reasons, but for public health.

Luo Guancong, Huang Taiyang and other 6 Hong Kong residents are wanted for violation of national security laws


Lee Teng-hui dead

“Godfather of Taiwan secessionism” Lee Teng-hui 李登辉 , also the former leader of the island, died at 98 on Thursday. This dog is gone for good, and not too soon.

慶父不死,魯難未已,「獨夫」李氏死了,他開啟過一個危險的時代- 壹讀
特稿】台本土派文宣達人參選立委啟發香港本土派- 香港輕新聞Lite News ...

李登辉(1923年1月15日2020年7月30日),男,又名岩里政男客家人。祖籍福建永定,出生于台湾台北县三芝乡台湾地区政治人物,1988年至2000年期间担任台湾地区领导人及中国国民党主席,现任台湾团结联盟精神领袖。早期为台湾的农业经济学者,曾任台大教授。1972年投身政界,历任农复会荐任官员、台北市长、“台湾省主席”、“副总统”等职。 1988年蒋经国逝世后继任台湾地区领导人及国民党主席。1990年及1996年先后当选第八任、第九任台湾地区领导人,任内鼓吹“台独”,提出“两国论”,导致两岸关系恶化。2000年因选举失利卸任并被国民党开除党籍。著有《台湾农业发展的经济分析》、《台湾农业成长的过程与型态》、《农产品价格政策与水准》、《农业发展的初期条件与政策》等。2013年10月,李登辉再度抛出其“台独”论述,称台湾和大陆是所谓“国和国的关系”。 2013年11月15日,李登辉安全密帐案一审判无罪. 2014年3月28日,李登辉点名要台湾”立法院长“王金平亲自出面讲话,为台湾台北学生占领”立法院“来收场。2020年7月30日,李登辉在台北病亡,终年97岁。




HKSAR government voiced support to the decision by the electoral affairs commission to disqualify 12 candidates from the opposition camp in the LegCo election

The possibility that more candidates would be disqualified is not ruled out. The latest decision aims to ensure that the LegCo election is held in strict accordance with the Basic Law and other applicable laws in an open, honest and fair manner.
The 12 disqualified opposition camp candidates include 4 from the Civic Party: Kwok Wing-hang 郭榮鏗 , Alvin Yeung 楊岳橋 , Kwok Ka-ki 郭家麒 and Tat Cheng 鄭達鴻 . The list also includes notorious separatist Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 .
The 12 candidates do not satisfy the requirements of the LegCo election, and therefore have been disqualified. The decision has nothing to do with so-called political censorship, restriction of the freedom of speech or deprivation of candidacy as alleged by some people. Haha, want to play? You are not invited to the party, suckers.

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Huawei overtakes Samsung to become largest smartphone supplier

Huawei has overtaken Samsung to become the world’s largest smartphone supplier during the second quarter of 2020, Canalys research indicated.

Huawei shipped more smartphones worldwide than any other vendor for the first time in Q2 2020. It marks the first quarter in nine years that a company other than Samsung or Apple has led the market.

Huawei shipped 55.8 million devices, down 5 percent year on year. Samsung shipped 53.7 million smartphones, a 30 percent fall against Q2 2019.

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Launches to Mars

NASA confirmed that Perseverance slipped into “safe mode” due to an unexpected temperature difference. 

“Data indicate the spacecraft had entered a state known as safe mode, likely because a part of the spacecraft was a little colder than expected while Mars 2020 was in Earth’s shadow,” NASA officials said in a statement. “All temperatures are now nominal and the spacecraft is out of Earth’s shadow.”