A terrifying new animation shows how 1 ‘tactical’ nuclear weapon could trigger a US-Russia war that kills 34 million people in 5 hours


  • A new simulation called “Plan A,” by researchers at Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security, shows how the use of one so-called tactical or low-yield nuclear weapon could lead to a terrifying worldwide conflict.
  • In the roughly four-minute video, a Russian “nuclear warning shot” at a US-NATO coalition leads to a global nuclear war that leads to 91.5 million deaths and injuries.
  • Under President Trump, the US is ramping up production of tactical nuclear weapons, ostensibly to target troops and munitions supplies. While advocates say these weapons would keep wars from escalating, the simulation finds the opposite outcome. 
  • The dissolution of the INF treaty in August raised the stakes for nuclear war, as both the US and Russia were free to develop weapons previously banned under the treaty.
  • On Jan. 23, 2020, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved its Doomsday clock to 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been, in a dire warning about the rising dangers of a nuclear catastrophe as Cold War-era treaties end.

China’s Wuhan suspends public transportation, outward flights, trains Coronavirus Outbreak

China’s Wuhan suspends public transportation, outward flights, trains Coronavirus Outbreak:

Central China’s megacity of Wuhan battling with a pneumonia outbreak has announced to suspend public transportation, and close the airport and railway stations to outgoing passengers, while asking citizens not to leave the city without specific reasons.

City buses, subways, ferries and long-distance coaches, as well as flights and trains for outgoing passengers will be suspended starting from 10 a.m. Thursday until further notice, said a notice issued in the wee hours of Thursday by Wuhan’s headquarters for the control and treatment of the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.

The measures will be taken in a bid to “effectively cut off the virus spread, resolutely curb the outbreak and guarantee the people’s health and safety,” the notice said.

A total of 444 cases of new coronavirus-related pneumonia and 17 deaths had been reported in Hubei Province as of 8 p.m. Wednesday, with the majority in Wuhan, the provincial capital.

The Qilian Mountains, across China’s Gansu and Qinghai provinces


The Qilian Mountains, across China’s Gansu and Qinghai provinces, stretch for about 800 kilometers from east to west. It’s a huge mountain range composed of many parallel mountains. Amazing China: Qilian Mountains – A Wet Island Surrounded by Deserts

Scale of China’s Wuhan Shutdown Is Believed to Be Without Precedent


New York Times revisited, “James G. Hodge Jr., director of the Center for Public Health Law and Policy at Arizona State University, said the shutdown would almost certainly lead to human rights violations and would be patently unconstitutional in the United States.”In sealing off a city of 11 million people, China is trying to halt a coronavirus outbreak using a tactic with a complicated history of ethical concerns.

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Kanas lake, Altay, NW China’s Xinjiang


Located in Altay, NW China’s Xinjiang, Kanas lake is such a spectacular place. Colors of Kanas Lake vary in different seasons and weather. Its beauty and mysterious folk tales attract many tourists every year. Mysterious Kanas Lake