

China’s poverty relief campaign

China’s poverty relief campaign is nearing its end as the nation has pledged to lift all out of poverty by year-end, but this is not the end, for the pursuit of a better life will continue and so will the nation continue to strive forward.

1938 Japanese bombing on Guangzhou

1938年 日軍對廣州大轟炸 1938年,在5月開始日戰機頻密轟炸廣洲,廣州大轟炸,日軍投彈落民居,死傷慘重,廣州陷入一片火海,統計當時廣洲死14587人,傷者無數,1938年10月21日廣州淪陷,不小大陸難民(富與貧)都避難來香港,但日本已訂下入侵香港計劃。

Lee Kuan Yew on China and South-east Asia in 1967

1967年新加坡新立國李光耀論中國未來美國 東南亞兩和新加坡關系 (新加坡簡體中文字幕)南海問題中新加坡的思維邏輯上世紀六十年代就已奠定.李光耀(1923年9月16日-2015年3月23日),客家人,祖籍廣東梅州。李光耀長期擔任新加坡共和國總理和人民行動黨秘書長,對新加坡歷史、經濟、政治均有影響,因此被稱為新加坡建國之父,也被美國《商業內幕》評為「20世紀最成功的獨裁者」第二名。

Traveling-wave reactors project cancelled

China National Nuclear Power will cancel a nuclear energy technology development subsidiary scheduled to cooperate with Bill Gates’ Terra Power to develop fourth-generation nuclear energy technology because the US government is standing in the way of the partnership, CNNP announced yesterday.

Terra Power unilaterally terminated the cooperation in the fourth-generation nuclear energy technology traveling-wave reactor with the technology transfer limitations placed by the Trump administration, resulting in the loss of the foundation for the cooperation, the major Chinese energy developer said in its announcement.

CNNP decided to dissolve and cancel CNNP TWR Technology Investment Tianjin overseeing the project funding and CNPC Hebei Nuclear Power in charge of implementing the project, per the announcement.

CNNP’s wholly-owned CNNP Technology Investment unit holds a 50 percent stake in each of the two project companies.

CNNP TWR and Terra Power’s wholly-owned subsidiary set up a joint venture Global Innovation Nuclear Energy Technology with a 50:50 split in November 2017 to jointly develop traveling-wave reactor technology and advance the TWR project, per the announcement.

TWR is fourth-generation nuclear power technology, which uses a nuclear fission reactor to convert material into usable fuel via nuclear transmutation, in conjunction with the burnup of fissile material. Existing unclear power can directly use only about 0.7 percent of the isotopes in natural uranium, but the TWR technology can use 30 percent to 40 percent, and even 60 percent to 70 percent in some cases.

Theoretically the TWR technology can sustain operations for decades on one charge of fuel without replenishment or removal of spent fuel, which reduces the cost and environmental risks of nuclear energy as well as the risk of nuclear proliferation.


Pearl S. Buck

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck (June 26, 1892 – March 6, 1973; also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu; Chinese: 赛珍珠) was an American writer and novelist. As the daughter of missionaries, Buck spent most of her life before 1934 in Zhenjiang, China. Her novel The Good Earth was the best-selling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. In 1938, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature “for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces”. She was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

After returning to the United States in 1935, she continued writing prolifically, became a prominent advocate of the rights of women and minority groups, and wrote widely on Chinese and Asian cultures, becoming particularly well known for her efforts on behalf of Asian and mixed-race adoption.

I should not be truly myself if I did not, in my own wholly unofficial way, speak also of the people of China, whose life has for so many years been my life also, whose life, indeed, must always be a part of my life. The minds of my own country and of China, my foster country, are alike in many ways, but above all, alike in our common love of freedom. And today more than ever, this is true, now when China’s whole being is engaged in the greatest of all struggles, the struggle for freedom. I have never admired China more than I do now, when I see her uniting as she has never before, against the enemy who threatens her freedom. With this determination for freedom, which is in so profound a sense the essential quality in her nature, I know that she is unconquerable


A Humble Chinese Worker’s Contribution to America

In the prestigious Columbia University, the department of East Asian Studies, there is a post for special studies of Chinese culture and Han teachings called the “Dean Lung Professorship,” which was established and funded by Horace Walpole Carpentier in 1901 to commemorate Dean Lung, his illiterate but noble Chinese servant.

Lee Tung Foo and Dean Lung – Montanatude

近代中国史学泰斗钱穆记述了丁龙讲座的来历: 〝百年前广东有一华侨,名丁龙,居纽约。林肯总统时代,一将军退役后一人独居。雇一男仆,治理家务。但此将军性好漫骂,仆人辄不终约而去。丁龙亦曾为其家仆,亦以遭骂辞去。后此将军家遭火灾,独居极狼狈。丁龙闻之,去其家,愿复充仆役,谓其家乡有古圣人孔子,曾教人以恕道,曰:“己所不欲,勿施于人。”今将军遭火灾,独居,余曾为将军仆,闻讯不忍,愿请复役。此将军大叹赏,谓不知君乃读书人,能读古圣人书。丁龙言,余不识字,非读书人,孔子训乃由父亲告之。将军谓,汝父是一读书人,亦大佳。丁龙又谓,余父亦不识字,非一读书人。祖父曾祖父皆然。乃由上代家训,世世相传,知有此。此将军大加欣赏,再不加骂,同居相处如朋友。积有年,丁龙病,告将军,余在将军家,食住无虑,将军所赐工资,积之有年。今将死,在此无熟友,家乡无妻室,愿以此款奉还将军,以志积年相敬之私。丁龙卒。此将军乃将丁龙积款倍加其额,成一巨款,捐赠纽约哥伦比亚大学,创立一讲座,名之曰“丁龙讲座”。以专门研究中国文化为宗旨。至今此讲座尚在。但余居北平教读北大、清华、燕京三大学,教授多数以上全自美国留学归来,亦有自哥伦比亚毕业来者,但迄未闻人告余丁龙事。及余亲去美国,始获闻之。〞

TCM Four Diagnostic Monitor

中医问闻望切四诊仪 主要组成及功能编辑

[工作原理 ]
[工作原理 ]

脉象名称:浮 、沉 、迟 、数 、缓 、疾 、结 、代、促、虚、实、弦、紧、滑 、涩 、平等。
