Beijing is wise to ease tensions as Trump seeks an election boost

After defying world opinion to impose the national security law on Hong Kong, Beijing has suddenly started trying to soften its international image. Politburo member Yang Jiechi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi have recently made conciliatory-sounding speeches, seemingly trying to arrest the deterioration in relations with the United States and others.
The logic behind this shifting of gears is probably complex, but an important component must be to rein in relations with Washington. As I told some scholars in China during a recent webinar, the upcoming US presidential election seems to offer both good and bad news for China. Beijing is trying to head off the bad news.
If you have trouble imagining what the good news might be, amid systematic efforts by the Trump administration to decouple the two countries, think about the US election. Despite four major speeches from cabinet-level officers, a host of executive orders and endless tweets from President Donald Trump, the American public remains focused on three major sets of issues: social disorder, the Covid-19 pandemic and the sorry state of the economy and employment. China is not high among them.
Since April, Trump and his team have tried to shift responsibility for the epidemic’s effects to China and its behaviour when the virus first appeared. Despite Trump calling it the “Chinese virus” and the “kung flu”, the American public is far more focused on his mismanagement of the pandemic and its effects at home than on Beijing’s responsibility for it. It’s quite a statement about Trump’s degree of mismanagement that efforts to stick the blame on China have failed.
This is where the bad news comes in. China has avoided moving to the top of the US election agenda partly because voters traditionally focus on domestic conditions and not foreign affairs during elections. The current triple-headed crisis will be difficult to dislodge.


The potential for that to change and China to become a central issue cannot be discounted, though. As the Pew Research Centre reported in late July, 73 per cent of US adults say they have an unfavourable view of China, up 26 per cent since 2018. The coronavirus and its effects have combined with rising authoritarianism, trade disputes and news from Hong Kong and Xinjiang to erode opinion towards China.
Anecdotally, I can attest that ordinary voters, whether for or against Trump, often say that at least he has tried to produce a long-overdue reset in relations with China. This is mirrored in the widespread notion that relations with China are due for a change, though not about exactly how to do so.

In this context, Beijing would be smart to call off its recent “wolf warrior” diplomacy and set a lower-key tone for its public rhetoric. Why? It would not take much more for all the anti-China sentiment to coalesce into an issue that Trump can use to change the topic from his mismanagement of the virus to China’s responsibility for the harm to the US population and economy.
If Trump succeeded in dislodging one or two of the major issues working against his re-election and put the focus on China, there would be no relief coming for Beijing from his Democratic opponent, former vice-president Joe Biden. The competition would more likely to be over who could be tougher on Beijing.

Between now and November would be an inauspicious time for tensions to rise suddenly in China’s activities with Taiwan, India or in the South or East China seas. It might help to avoid being seen as excessively draconian with Hong Kong and Xinjiang, as well.
Lo and behold, China has dialled back its fiery rhetoric in the past two weeks, especially from the representatives of the Foreign Ministry. Beijing only ritually protested at the arrival of a US cabinet secretary in Taiwan, an event perhaps intended to provoke a stronger response. Troops have disengaged on the Line of Actual Control with India, and Chinese fishermen have been ordered to stay out of waters of the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands.
Washington’s hardened position on Beijing’s claims in South China Sea heightens US-China tensionsWashington’s hardened position on Beijing’s claims in South China Sea heightens US-China tensions

Beijing is not out of the woods yet. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have suggested there is more to come in efforts by the administration to dismantle relations with China. It might be argued that some of Trump’s China hawks already see the writing on the wall for his defeat, believing now is their last chance to leave a legacy of significantly reducing relations with China.
The hawks have less than three months before the election to raise the ante, and a strong Chinese reaction could give them a win-win. They would win if Trump regains an electoral advantage over Biden, or they could win if they leave Biden a mess to clean up.
Douglas H. Paal 包道格 is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as vice-chairman of JPMorgan Chase International (2006–2008) and was an unofficial US representative to Taiwan as director of the American Institute in Taiwan (2002–2006).

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A foreign chef in China: Michael D. Rosenblum

美国驻华大使馆官邸行政总厨兼大使管家罗朗先生(Michael D. Rosenblum),北京兴基铂尔曼饭店西餐厨师长。罗朗出生于美国,曾在纽约、北京等多家知名餐厅担任厨师长,能讲一口流利的汉语。他十四岁开始就在纽约工作,近二十年的烹饪生涯中曾到过印尼,泰国等五个国家工作,并凭借其精湛的厨艺在这些国家的饮食行业创下不小名气。此前,他在北京著名的Saffron餐厅担任行政厨师长。在中国人经营的西餐厅里他让广大的中国食客感受到了带有中国特色的西方美食。
  他曾受邀参加过北京电视台举办的《食全食美》系列栏目, 并在许多权威的饮食刊物上发表过文章,目前他有三本著作正在创作过程中。他坦言,他将倾注毕生的精力来钻研美食和美食文化。
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Old Castle

双峰寨位于广东省仁化县城西19公里的石塘镇石塘村. 该寨是乡绅李德仁为防范土匪抢掠,筹银三万,于光绪双峰寨(14张)十五年(1899年)动工,至庚戍年告竣(公元1915年),用了十六年的时间建成,至今已有100多年历史。连护城河在内,总占地面积为11300平方米。双峰寨原名石塘寨,后取寨门前门楣横匾“双峰保障”之意,改称为“双峰寨”至今,该寨1949年前已崩塌,中华人民共和国成立后重修。



The PLA likely sent warships, warplanes, used radar installations and satellites to track the US warship’s movements in the Taiwan Straits, and the US vessel would be stopped if it crossed the red line, exactly what the Americans are expecting to happen with their provocation.
The Chinese mainland must be fully prepared for the worst. We surely do not want a war now. But we should be the one that is least afraid of the situation spiraling out of control as we are defending the territorial integrity.

Future Leader for China: Moving China’s 2016 Person of the Year

中國2016年度人物秦玥飛 :耶鲁村官


Yuefei Qin, male, born in 1985, native of Chongqing.He studied at Chongqing No.2 Foreign Language School in 1998. In 2001, he entered Chongqing Nankai Middle School.When he graduated, he took the American Standardized Test for Admissions and scored absolutely high.After that, he entered Yale University and received a full scholarship of US$46,892 a year from the university. He enjoyed tuition, accommodation, books, travel expenses and many other free services. That year, Yale only admitted two high school graduates from China.
In 2011, after graduating from university, Qin Yuefei chose to return to rural China to work as a university official in He Township, Hengshan County, Hunan Province, where he convinced farmers to start their own businesses. CCTV “the most beautiful village official”, a personal first-class merit. 8 February 2017, won the ”
ten Moving China 2016 Person of the year” . 2018 January, elected as a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress. At the 2018 National People’s Congress, Qin Yuefei proposed a bill on precision poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.