Xiaoi Robot patent infringement lawsuit against Apple

Chinese AI start-up Xiaoi Robot 小i机器人 said it will continue a patent infringement lawsuit against Apple involving Siri. China’s highest court validated Xiaoi’s patent, advancing the legal case from an administrative proceeding to a civil lawsuit. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/latest-decision-supreme-people-s-court-china-confirms-validity-little-i-robot-patent
Xiao-i filed a lawsuit with a Shanghai court against Apple 8-3-20, requiring the latter to stop infringing on its patented robotic technology and pay 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) in compensation.

The Shanghai High People’s Court on Monday 8-10-20 formally accepted Chinese AI start-up Xiao-i’s lawsuit against Apple for alleged patent infringement.

WSJ’s fake report that China may retaliate against Nokia and Ericsson if EU bans Huawei

WSJ’s report that China may retaliate against Nokia and Ericsson if EU bans Huawei is “fake news” aimed at undermining good China-EU relations, Chinese FM said Tuesday, while urging European countries to provide a fair & open business environment for Chinese firms. https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-may-retaliate-against-nokia-and-ericsson-if-eu-countries-move-to-ban-huawei-11595250557

French governmet will not prevent Huawei Technologies from investing in the country, said French Economy & Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire Tuesday during a high-level dialogue on economic and financial cooperation with China.

US Orders China to Shut Down Consulate

The United States gave China 72 hours to close its consulate in Houston amid accusations of spying, marking a dramatic deterioration in relations between the world’s two biggest economies. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-consulate/china-says-u-s-told-it-to-shut-its-houston-consulate-idUSKCN24N0UW

People are burning documents at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, as Beijing says the US abruptly gave it 72 hours to shut it down


Russia Delivers First Arctic Oil To Key Ally China


Last week saw Russia’s Gazprom Neft, the country’s third biggest oil company by output and the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom, ship its first cargo of oil produced in the Arctic to China via the Northern Sea Route (NSR). This shipment East adds to its existing Western exports via the NSR to Europe. According to Gazprom Neft, it took 47 days to deliver a full cargo of 144,000 tonnes of sweet, light Novy Port oil from the Yamal peninsula developments to the Chinese port of Yantai on the Bohai Sea, from Russia’s north-western city of Murmansk. “Successful experience in the sale of Arctic oil in the European market and an in-depth insight of Asia-Pacific markets allow Gazprom Neft to offer Novy Port oil with a unique year-round logistics scheme to Asian partners,” said Gazprom Neft’s deputy director general for logistics, processing and sales, Anatoly Cherner, last week.

China launched the Shiyan-6

China launched the Shiyan-6, its first research vessel focusing on geophysical exploration and seismic acquisition and processing in Guangzhou, S. China’s Guangdong that has immediate access to the South China Sea. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3093966/chinese-research-ship-launched-boost-exploration-activities

  • The Shiyan-6 ‘will help safeguard sovereignty and also maritime rights and interests’, says deputy director of oceanology institute
  • US$71.5 million vessel will be used for geophysics, ocean physics, sea-air interaction and other studies, according to state media

Ant Financial, Alibaba’s payments arm IPO

Ant Financial, Alibaba’s payments arm & one of the world’s top fintech companies, announced on Monday its long-awaited IPO with a dual listing in Shanghai and Hong Kong soon. The company is valued at roughly $150 billion.
US-listed Chinese tech firm Alibaba’s shares opened 4% higher on Monday, after Alibaba’s financial arm Ant Group announced that it has commenced a concurrent IPO process on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Science and Technology Innovation Board and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Construction of a natural gas storage cluster has begun in western China

https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1186133.shtml#:~:text=Gallery-,Construction%20of%20first%20gas%20storage%20cluster%20begins%20in%20western,total%20investment%20nearly%20%241%20billion&text=The%20construction%20of%20China’s%20first,billion%20yuan%20(%24990%20million). Construction of a natural gas storage cluster has begun in western China, with total investment reaching nearly $1 billion. The project will promote China’s natural gas storage capacity, which is far below the international standard of 12-15%.

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